Floaty feeling in head while sleeping

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Holly J
Posts: 367
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm

Post by Holly J » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:00 am

While I was falling asleep and this feeling even woke me up from sleep I felt as if i was floating. . like my head was floating and felt very very lightheaded and dizzy. . to get out of that feeling i had to open my eyes and kinda wake up but i was sooo tired i needed sleep so i;d fall asleep and i could even feel this in my dreams and felt half awake in my dreams. . This feeling was so scary. Is it that i wasn't getting enough oxygen in my brain?? Thats so scary. I just kept getting it while trying to sleep and its the most uncomfortable feeling ever. My breathing was different too. When I'd get this feeling i checked in with my breathing and I felt like i wasn't breathing or was going to stop breathing. Now my head feels very heavy and sore a little. Why does this crap always happen to me?! Once i get over a symptom i get a new one. But i feel like something is seriously wrong. . like i am not getting enough air or something! has anyone felt this way ever??
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

Dana Gann
Posts: 24
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Post by Dana Gann » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:47 am

I think that it is just a symptom of the panci attacks/


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:32 am

This was actually one of my symptoms when I started having panic attacks. I would also have vivid nightmares. Are you doing Lucinda's relaxation tape/cd before going to sleep? That really helped me.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:48 am

See I wasn't panicking before I just had this symptom. It's very scary. No I do not do the relaxation cd at night. I know I should. I have 3 relaxation cd's. I am session 6 right now with the program. I only have gotten this feeling while half asleep and when I'd open my eyes and tried to focus and than felt more grounded. But now I am just worried about getting it again! I hate obsessing over these things

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Post by MissMe » Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:15 am

Hi Holly,

I used to get this. For me it was because I was not getting enough sleep and also my overactive adrenaline hormone. In addition to Lucinda's program and my relaxation cds, and getting enough sleep, the natural herbs that I take have eliminated this, or at least I haven't had it in months. :)


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:31 am

I get it during the day. I get it often when I am anxious or spiraling towards a panic episode. Let's say this together: "It's JUST anxiety". "This TOO shall pass".

Yeah, it freaks the snot out of me. Makes me feel intellectually numb (and Type A right here doesn't like that).

Sympathy right atcha sistah!


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:13 pm

Many of us like myself get all sorts of wierd feelings at all different times. These things tend to come and go, sometimes worse, sometimes not as bad, sometimes not really there at all. You have slept well at other times and you can get there again. If you have determined that you have the symptoms and the experiences expressed by other people here, then you know its all just anxiety, whether it be at night or during the day. Try doing the same positive things for yourself, your health, your body and your mind (positive self talk) each and every day. Relaxation before bed. Writing in your journal, beginning with writing your feelings and your fears and then always ending with upbeat comments about yourself. It sounds like your feelings are part of an anxiety attack. Do the 6 steps each and every time to snap yourself out of your attack. It WILL work over time.

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Post by stargazer » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:47 pm

Holly have you had your ears checked?? You mentioned before that you were having dizziness too. I had what you described when I had vertigo (inner ear distrubance) and it happend alot when I was falling asleep, exactly like you described. I mean it could be anxiety, but you said you were not anxious when it occured. I would really check for vertigo if I were you, just to rule it out. It is easily fixed if you have it.

Posts: 92
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Post by CarolynEd.Dir. » Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:28 pm

its easily fixed Nole?? How so? I will check that out. . but watch as soon as i am able to see my dr i wont have it anymore lol. . no i prob will. . iv been getting very lightheaded. . it scares me. . i don want to die. . or pass out


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:04 pm

Holly, sorry we didn't get to finish our conversation before the chat room closed. if you get this still tonight and have msn messenger, you can message me. My email address is lisadrews@hotmail.com


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