Maybe the flu?

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Post by PlanoGreg » Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:07 pm

I have a rotten case of flu as well. Boy, all the symptoms you have all quoted. It's been almost a week & I still feel almost as bad as when it first started.

My biggest problem has always been depression (although with this program, I am beginning to realize how much anxiety has, & continues to play a part in it).
So having the flu & all this crap I worry that I haven't been to work in 4 days & do they think I really havethe flu or do they think I am faking all or some of it? Lot's of what-if worry. And nothing I do or take seems to effect this flu deal positively. I just get so hopeless. And I'm dealing with the results of breaking both my wrists 9 mos ago too. Last op was last month & I have 1 more to go. So I got that pain to deal with, too. Actually, the hydrocortisone from the ops helped with the flu better than the OTC stuff, but surprisingly not as much as I had hoped. The flu just SUCKS.
And I have not been doing the program, but I will start again. On to session 2.

And my deepest sympathies & good wishes go to y'all that are dealing with a flu on top of your usual cross in life.


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Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:44 am

Post by TroubledSue » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:29 pm

I'm just worried I have the fever for too long. It really isn't all that bad either. At it's highest, it was 100.3. Normally, its around 99.5 or so. I started getting the fever mid day on Friday, so it's been 3.5ish days, depending on how long I had it Friday. By the time I got out of the ER, it was Sat morning, lol. So, 3 or 4 days? Seems like a long time and everything I'm reading says a fever lasts 2-3. I'm feeling better. My symptoms are clearing up, I'm more alert and active, eating well, drinking plenty, so why isn't my temp going back down to normal? I'm really getting freaked out about this. 100 degrees, thats so high for me :(

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