lorazepam (ativan) versus xanax?

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Post by michelle37 » Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:37 am

ever since i got this disorder i was prescribed lorazepam. I have only used it as needed so I rarely take it. The other night I took it for the first time in a while and I felt dizzy and nauseas from it and felt hung over the next day. I was also prescribes xanax a while ago but have not tried it. for some reason I am scared to try it. but i heard it is milder than the lorazapam. does any one have any experience with the two of them that you could share?

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Post by Stoic » Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:55 pm

I would suggest you google Benzo Exodus. There is so much valuable information on these types of medicines. So many sad stories about people trying to withdrawal from these medicines. I would suggest you research these drugs before taking them.

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Post by brandonmississippi » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:21 pm

Xanex is highly addictive. I've seen it ruin people. Drug addicts or just regualar ppl. It doesn't take long for xanex to kick in. 20 minutes maybe, then you feel really calm and light like floating on a cloud. You are more stress free. Doesn't that sound like fun. Well it is, and it will ruin you. How do I know? I'm a recovering addict. Xanex is bad bad bad.. Unless you're just not an addictive person.

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Post by christmasvalley » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:27 pm

I'm with Stoic. If you can get by without starting them you're much better off. OR try another type of med, like an antidepressant, to help with your anxiety. My Dr. switched me from Xanax to Ativan, and I have been taking ativan along with a couple other antidepressants for a year now - it's been a really tough year and I needed the help - but I am really not looking forward to going off the ativan. BEnzos can be hellacious to kick. The difference as I have experienced it, is ativan is "smoother". You don't notice its effects quite so dramatically, and you don't notice quite so much when it tapers out of your system. Xanax, which I used to take prn, I would notice the calming effects much more noticeably, but when I took it for a while I really noticed and got pretty anxious when it was getting time for another dose.

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Post by debiparks » Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:05 pm

Stay away from those types of drugs if at all possible. They are very addictive and hard to get off of. I recently weaned off two drugs and it was tough. Lots of withdrawal symptoms even weaning as slowly as I did. They also come with side effects that I found to be almost as bad as the original problem. Try some of the more natural remedies. Read about GABA and 5 HTP. My dad is addicted to Ativan along with some other drugs. His life now revolves around his prescriptions, always living in fear that he will run out, or the drug store will close or the doctor won't refill. Not a pretty way to live!!

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Post by michelle37 » Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:26 pm

wow! thank you all so much for your input. i know these drugs are highly addictive so I do really only use them when Ive scared myself so bad I cant calm down. I have had a prescription for over a year and only used a few. i do not consider myself an addictive personality but the rest of my family members including my sibling are all major alcoholics so I do try to be very careful about meds. i took a lorazapam (generic ativan) the other night becausre I woke up in the middle of the night with an uncontrollable panic and the next day I felt so hung over and had a terrible headache. I hate the side effects of the lorazapam. It helps with the panic but makes me feel dizzy and nauseas(spelling). I have not tried the xanax at all yet, but i dont know if I want to feel like Im floating on a cloud. I hate anything that makes me feel medicated. As far as Im concerned all these meds suck! Ive tried a few of the antidepressants too with sucky side effects.

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Post by THH » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:48 pm

Michelle, I have taken xanax. I took a 1/2 of .25 as needed, it was 1 time a day I took it for a month straight. I was waiting for a surgery and just could not deal. It worked very well, like stated in about 20 mins. It makes you not worry, relax. After a few weeks passed, I could see when it was wearing off. I could see how it could become additive if one would not pay close attenchion. If you would stay on it for more then a month, and as my surgery came closer I did a couple days take the other 1/2-am 1/2 pm. 11 hours appart. I did not break through it. But as I got more nervous I was breaking though just a 1/2. Oh and I worried the hole time I was taking it, will I become add. to it??? After my surgery, and I knew I was going to be ok. I took it everyother day just the 1/2 .25 for a couple weeks. Then I just went off it. It was not that hard to get off it, that weenie dose, for a short period of time. I did feel jittery around the normal times I took it though. I knew thats what it was and did not worry about the withdraw. I think if you feel you need it, take it, just keep working on your skills and be mindful what your doing with the drug. I have not taken it for several months now, but I have had a few things really shake me up, and I almost needed to take it. I was being hard on myself about it and didn't, but when that happens again I will not be so worried about taking it. I am not a pill person, and natural and problem solving is the better way to go. I would take it if I have to, knowing I won't let myself stay in that mode.
I never took antivan so I don't know about that one. My mom had that one when she and dad separated. She had a hard time getting off it. I don't remember what her dose was. Good Luck with that!

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