rapid heart rate out of the blue

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Post by michelle37 » Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:30 am

Does anyone else get this? I had 2 episodes 2 days in a row. I had been doing really good lately. The first one i had my husband and I were out car shopping and I wasnt anxious, I was actually pretty exited. It was very hot out. My husband and I were going to sit in the car and get some air conditioning when I felt that I just wasnt feeling right. so, as I do several times a day, i checked my pulse and my heart was going nuts. I sat for a few minutes and tried to get it to calm down, but it just wouldnt slow down. I had my husband drive me to the ER. Of course by about the time they took me back my heart rate was coming down. The next night I woke up and was feeling axious so checked my heart rate and it was super fast. again I tried to relax and stay calm but ended up with a panic attack. I just could not seem to calm down out of it. I took a lorazapam and called 911. And even by the time they arrived my heart was stil very fast. I went to the ER again! eventually my heart rate got back to normal. ( i felt like total crap all the next day from the lorazapam though. like I was hung over and I had a terrible headache. Arent the meds we have to take to help us so great!) I had been able to control my panic before where i could calm myself down pretty quickly. I dont know what is going on now. I definately do get scared when my heart rate is so fast. I was just wondering if anyone else gets this, what you do about it, and how long does it last, because I feel like after about 20 minutes of a rapid heart rate I get scared.

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Post by Madimac » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:36 am


What you are explaining is very similar to what I first experience when this anxiety/panic started. In December 09, my husband was watching the football game and I was reading a magazine and BAM, my heart started racing like I was on a race track. Of course, I was scared. I thought I was having an heart attack!!! I went to Urgent Care and the Dr there told me I had Hyperventilation (spelling) syndrome. It is what military people get when they about to go off to war.

My bp was 150/90!!!!! That scared me even more. I have always been 118/78!!!! I went to ER and of course they just said I was having an anxiety/panic attack. I am like from what? I was anxious about anything...I was just reading a magazine.

Michelle, I have done all of the test and they all come back that I am in good health...but why does the heart have to race like this, for no reason..I wish I knew that answer. I have changed my diet, got this program and it has help a lot, but my problem is now the muscle twitching in my chest and this happens when I am watching TV? I understand your frustration this condition is no fun...but have you gone to get your heart a through checkup? If you have, what did the drs say?

My heart raced off and on for about a week, then they put me on a heart monitor for about two weeks, had a stress done, everything came back fine, so what gives?

I am doing this without any meds, too afraid to take any. I pray and read my bible, attend church, surround myself with positive people, etc. I don't know if any of this info has helped you but I do understand more than you realize. This site has some great people on here to support you. Please take care of yourself and you will get this one day at a time.

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Post by newrunner » Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:40 pm

Have you guys thought about perimenopause or menopause? I know that it is common to get rapid heart rate when you have a hot flash. www.womentowomen.com is a great website for info. and for vitamins. I haven't used any other products (except the vits) from there, but do use compounded progesterone (made locally) myself and LOVE it.

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Post by brandonmississippi » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:16 pm

Ha ha, you sound like me. I used to check my pulse at least 30 times a day. Still do when I get to feeling funny. I've had panic attacks so bad that I went to the hospital. I think what brings it on is when we do feel a little funny, lighte-headed, dizzy, or hot. That sends us a red flag to start panicking. I just take deep breaths and work through it now. Hope that helped.

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Post by AZNATE » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:27 am


I to suffer from the exact same thing regularly and it always sends me into panic mode...I havent found anything that helps stop it for me so if you found away that does help you please sure with me.

Your not alone,

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Post by pearpickinporky » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:31 am

I get this to, I put it down to an over reactive sympathetic nervous system. I've been to hospitals etc but they have ran tests and can never bring it on, I've had an ecg which shows nothing, it baffles them

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Post by kat4rgod » Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:24 pm

I have had this happen to me also relaxing in the recliner than my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and like I was going to pass out. I was by myself so I called 911 when they got here it was 240 but coming down so I didn't go to the er but to my doctor the next day. He put me in the hospital did an complete cardio workup including an heart cath and found nothing. He said it was an panic attack and gave me xanax. It continued to happen and I changed doctors. During an routine checkup she did an bone mass scan cuz I had turned 40 and diagnosised me with osteoporsis. That got me thinking if your calcium or potassium or maginsium is too low or too high it cause rapid and/or irregular heartbeat. She did lab work and yes I was low in all three plus vitimin d. I now have to take prescription doses of these and I have not had any problems since we got my levels straightened out.

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Post by michelle37 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:34 pm

I have had so many EKG's and 2 MRI's done of my heart in the er lus they always take my blood to see if my potassium or magnesium is low and everything is always good. Im sure its my thinking that brings on the panic attacks or if I check my pulse and I think its beating too fast I will freak out. I am trying to quit doing that because if my pulse is above normal its because im being anxious about something and I need to learn to slow everything down and refocus. I also do not take meds except for the occasional lorazapam and thats if im desperate or ive freaked myself out too much. I hate that crap and did try a couple of antidepressants when I first got this disorder all with bad side effects so now Im totally scared to even take an advil or a vitamin.

I have found that if i dont get scared once I get the racing heart and just try to stay very calm that the whole thing doesnt last as long. Or if I try to talk with someone to take my mind off of the situation.

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