Scary night time thoughts

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Post by TDub » Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:43 pm

Does anyone else kind of hate to go to bed sometimes because then the scary thoughts start swirling around? Just started the program and wondered if others have this problem? Then they get kind of overwhelming to where when it's time to get up, instead of jumping out of bed eager to face the day, just want to stay in bed? I NEVER used to be like this--can't wait to finally get a handle on these...


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:48 pm

I understand exactly what you mean, TDub. I listen to old time radio programs when I'm going to sleep because if I don't have something to distract me, my mind takes off in who-knows-what direction and I get myself so anxious that I can't sleep. You might consider trying to listen to music or even playing a favorite movie in the background as you go to sleep. It gives your mind something to focus on so it won't have to generate its own anxiety-producing thoughts.

I wish you all the best!!


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:30 pm

TDub, How far are you into the program? Until you really wrap your brain around some of the EXCELLENT skills it will show you, you may want to try the relaxation cd. I know that many others on here swear by it. Just a thought. Also, try to stay in the present moment, and not let your thoughts take you into the past, or worrying about the future. Just remind yourself that YOU ARE OK, and the scary thoughts can't hurt you! They are just your mind's way of distracting you from something else that you have so far chosen not to deal with. You will get there!



Post by Guest » Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:04 pm

Thanks to both of you for the excellent ideas. Last night I put a funny movie in the DVD player and went to sleep with that on. Woke up later on, and turned on one of the music on demand channels (the new age one), and that was nice also. And I did as you suggested, John, and tried the relaxation CD as well today. That WAS really nice. Thanks so much for that suggestion!
I also am trying to remember what the instructor said when I took a meditation class a while back--sounds funny; but it does work when you concentrate on it. She said "be where your feet are." Means if you are obsessing over something from the past or worrying about something from the future, you are not in the present--where your feet are! Sounds very simplistic, but when I use that, it really does kind of pull you back to earth and to the present.
In answer to your question, John, I am not very far into the program; but am very happily making my way along. So far I think it is awesome and just what I've needed all these many years. And as good as the program is, I think also the other people on this site that you can talk to REALLY helps immensely!! Just helps to have others to talk to who know what it's like and can offer suggestions or support. I really love that. Thanks again to both of you so much.


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