I'm afraid to even start!

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Susan Gilbert
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:34 pm

Post by Susan Gilbert » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:17 am


It is great to hear that you are ready to open the box! Remember, there is no right way to use the program. They give suggestions, like starting with Lesson 3 would be helpful for you, but no one is judging you! Watching the first video might help. Lucinda is there talking to you. It is like she is there in your livingroom wanting to help you. There are no time limits once you get the program. If you only do the first lesson before you have to decide, at least you have something to base your decision on. It may be enough to help you decide.
You get out of the program what you put into it. Everyone is different. I went through the program twice and I learned new things each time. The program helps people grow from where they are and at their own pace. Keep reminding yourself of the good things that will come to you once you open the box. Try to focus on the present! You can do this!! Even if you have to say, "Go away anxiety. I am tired of you! I don't want or need you in my life anymore." I know it isn't easy but believe me, you can bring peace and wonderful things into your life by starting this program. I have and still am. I use the strategies taught all the time. YOU deserve to like who you are and your life.

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Post by mark167 » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:15 am

Whew!! I finally got around to opening the box, literally just a couple hours before I had to call StressCenter.com and decide if I was going to keep it. Talk about procrastination! When I came home yesterday after reading your messages, I was determined to open it as soon as I got home. Thank you for the encouragement and motivation. It felt good opening it and watching the jump start dvd. It only took me about 20 seconds to start crying hearing what the program could do for me/us. For some reason, I felt quite anxious while watching it and my fingernails paid the price. The testimonials were very encouraging, and after watching the dvd twice, I read the guidebook. Unfortunately, I did not have time to watch session 1, 3 or 12, but am looking forward to it.
Now it is figuring out where do I go from here. How do you maintain the initial motivation, relief and elation to continue doing what you need to do to get better? Having read your messages, it seems a number of you either took a long time to start it, or to work it properly, or had to restart it months/years later. I guess I have to make it part of my daily routine, but I fear the journey may be so long, I may tire of it and give up without giving an earnest effort. I need to and want to do this now, but if I fail this time, I don't know how I would be able to forgive myself. I have so many regrets in my life from giving up on things or not even trying them, and I don't want this to be the next regret.
I really want to thank you Susan, as well as Mike, Roger, Pam, Char-lee, newrunner and imosolin, for all your input, encouragement, and resolve. I would appreciate hearing from you about how you succeeded in working and keeping going with the program. How is the peer support network. Is there anything else I can do/use to keep at it?
Thanks again. Mark
p.s. Roger, did you start and continue with it? How is it going?
"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no one. Yesterday's history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." --- "Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.”

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Post by lmhdswb » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:32 am

The first time I sent for the program, I immediately sent it back! I have ordered it again and have listened to a couple of tapes but have stalled out...again! I am afraid that I will get worse or it won't work for me. How can I get past this???

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Post by beanpod » Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:59 am

Plunge through the program! I think we all feel the same way. Instead of being afraid of getting worse maybe look in your mind's eye at you in 15 weeks feeling better. How does that feel? There are always two sides to every story (or story waiting to happen). The way I see it, there is only one way and that is up and forward. Good luck and hope to see you in the November group!

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Post by char-lee » Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:39 pm

motavation for me continues to be the ongoing changes that are taking place within me.I cannot believe how much better I feel just by knowing that I can stop what-if thinking,worrying and not letting negative thoughts ruin my day.Someone said to me today when I told them about this program,that anxiety and depression are self induced.They looked at me as though surely I couldn't be so stupid as to not realize this.I WAS THAT STUPID!15 years of doctors and the closest they ever got to helping me was to tell me I had all the answers.This program will really open your eyes to your own behaviors and thoughts and teach you skills to move forward happy in life.If that's not enough motivation I can't possibly see what else would be.Don't be afraid to become a happier person.

Susan Gilbert
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:34 pm

Post by Susan Gilbert » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:25 am

mark167 and lmhdswb,

It is soooo exciting to hear that you have started the program. You should be VERY proud of yourself. Try not to anticipate or think about the future. Take each day, one at a time as far as the program goes. Do what you can. It is great because you can go at your own pace. beanpod and char-lee have great suggestions. When I took the program there wasn't any peer support. Use that as a source for motivation. You can discuss each lesson and ask questions. If you can schedule a time each day or a specific time each week to complete the work book, it will help you stay motivated and moving along in the program. Be sure to WRITE your schedule down!! Try to listen to the cd's as often as possible. Over and over, if it helps. As you see the power or control that you do have over your own thinking and choices, you will want to continue the program. You have started on a new journey in your lives! Don't beat yourself up for not doing this sooner. You are now going through the program- better now than never. After three years, I am still experiencing growth and positive things in my life that I never thought I could accomplish. Believe in yourself and keep putting more positives into your life.
Many of us are here if you need encouragement. It would help if after each lesson, WRITE down when you want to complete the next lesson. Then write down 1 to 3 obstacles that could stop you from reaching your goal. Next write down the Actions you will do to overcome each obstacle. It is ok if you don't complete the lesson by the date you wrote. IT is just a way to help keep you motivated and see where you want to go.
There is a mentoring program where you have someone call you once a week for 15 weeks to help you get through the program (It is expensive but worth it if it fits into your budget).
I hope these help. Oh, and have you celebrated your success of starting the program. At the very least pat yourselves on your backs and tell yourself that you did a great job. Keep moving forward!!!

Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:31 pm

Post by mark167 » Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:05 am

So much for moving forward and the initial excitement and motivation. After I finally opened the box and viewed the intro and read the guide, I did nothing. I was looking forward to it, but got busy with a few things leading up to my daughters school fair. The next day I got sick and was sick for 3 weeks! It seems I may have had h1n1 which transformed into bronchitis. I was exhausted all the time and no energy for anything. Last week was the first time I felt 100% physically but emotionally and mentally it took a toll on me. I took a few days to catch up on things and didn't even think about the program. By the end of the week, I was feeling really low/badly about things along with some negative thoughts again. The thought of spending (part of) Christmas alone has really gotten to me. It will be the 1st time in 18 years I have not had someone in my life to share with in this special time of year. Yes my girls are very special to me, and I will have part of the holidays with them, but it's not the same. It is such a busy time of year and hard to find time/energy to work the program, but with the way I have been feeling lately, I think I really need to before I get too low. So much for the joy of the season.
"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no one. Yesterday's history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." --- "Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.”

Susan Gilbert
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:34 pm

Post by Susan Gilbert » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:36 pm


Glad to hear that you are well again. Sounds like you had a tough few weeks. But now keep looking forward. That is great that you have your girls to enjoy the Holidays with. Yes, it is always nice to have someone special but at least you are not all alone. Look forward to next year when you will be more confident and will have over come your anxiety! Just imagine how great that will be. You are on the road to great things! You have opened the program, looked at it, are healthy and ready to challenge yourself with new exciting thinking. Give yourself the best present anyone could receive...a new look on life. Believe me when I say that this program can help you get rid of anger, guilt, anxiety and depression. It will help you be in control of your life. Each year after gets better for me. Life is too short to let another day go by. Remember to write down two or three goals that you want to reach each day. Write down an obstacle and then what you will do to over come that obstacle. Try not to look at the future. Just take one day at a time. Then each evening, compliment yourself for moving forward! I know you can and want to do this!

Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:31 pm

Post by mark167 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:20 pm

Susan, once again, thank you for your support and encouragement. I do want to get better but how can I is the hard part. Right now, I am looking forward, to getting the holidays overwith without sinking lower. It looks like I will be alone most if not all of the 24th to 27th. I mentioned in a support group meeting the other day that this is the first Christmas in as long as I can remember that I am not looking forward to. It has always been a special time for me, from when I was little with my family of origin, to being with my girlfriend/wife, to adoring it with my young girls. The reality of my situation now means that these sorts of things will always be different. However, I will try to take advantage of the alone time and get cracking on the program. Every week that I get one of those auto e-mails, I am reminded of how far off schedule I am and that not even starting it is definitely getting me nowhere.

On a positive note, I want to wish everyone, from the readers of, and contributors to, this forum, as well as everyone at program/StressCenter.com who do so much to help so many, a Merry Christmas, joyous holidays, and all the best of health, happiness and serenity in 2010. I'll be back with you in the new year, hopefully actively moving forward, in search of a happier life.
"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no one. Yesterday's history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." --- "Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.”

Susan Gilbert
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:34 pm

Post by Susan Gilbert » Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:11 pm

mark 167,

Glad to hear some positive thinking in your comments. It gets easier with practice.

It is not How to get better, it is WHEN will you get better. You know what to do to get better. Now you have to decide when you will do the program. The auto emails are just a suggested time line. Take it at your pace. Maybe there is a reason that these holidays are different for you. Could this be an opportunity for you to work on the program? I agree it isn't an easy time being alone but you can get lost in the program and the time will go very quickly and you will be feeling better about yourself. Get or rent the movie, The Secret, to watch during the 24th and 27th. Did you get the book, What To Say When You Talk To Your Self by Dr. Shad Helmstetter? This would be a great time to read it. If you write down a plan or list things you want to do during these days, you will see how the days will fly by and the loneliness won't be as painful. Different is scary but it can become a very special time in your life as you learn new things about yourself.

I wish you and everyone connected to this forum and the Stress Center an enriching Christmas. Life brings challenges to us all. Thank you for showing me that it is how we react to our experiences that decides if it is fulfilling or empty.

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