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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:25 pm
by Naustin
One thing I have noticed with myself and I am sure I am not the only one is that we dont give ourselves enough credit for the progress we do make. Even small steps are steps!! I have had really bad anxiety this past week. My son had the flu and I had a sinus infection that turned into a respitory infection. So needless to say my anxiety has been really high. I also suffer from oviarian cyst and sometimes they can become painful. This past week has been hard because of course I have to analyze every one of my symptoms. But last night my husband surprised me and told me we were going to dinner with one of his old high school friends. I panicked. What if I have to run out of the place. What if I throw up. What if ect..... Well I went and just started all the positive self talk. It went great. I never had to run out. I laughed and had a great time with them. I decided to give myself some credit for not listening to my negative self and go. I almost told him to go without me but decided screw you anxiety I want to go so I am going to go.
Even if it is a small step foward. Tell me about it. A small step foward is still a step foward.
Good luck to everyone!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:03 pm
by Guest
Bravo! Great job on calming yourself down and enjoying the evening.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:25 pm
by Guest
Naustin, thanks for sharing such a success story. Every bit of progress is so important, it leads to the next bit of progress and so forth. Very encouraging to hear a successful fight against panic, expecially in a very social environment.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:56 pm
by Guest
hey naustin...well youre def not alone in feeling like we dont give ourselves enough credit. this is something im coming to realize that is helping me overcome anxiety. having lived a life full of high expectations and not feeling good about small, realistic or practical achievements has significantly contributed to my depression and anxiety but now i see things changing. im currently on session 6 (anger), i start the next session monday. being compassionate, supportive and patient with myself has opened my eyes to such a better way of living. im glad this program is helping me get rid of the bad habits of thinking and replace with constructive beneficial thought.
i loved your quote "screw you anxiety"! ive been on the same page lately. its funny. the old way of thinking doesnt like us getting a grip on things and overcoming its paralyzing control. im proud of you that you had the courage to look past the anxiety and have a good time at dinner. high five.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:08 pm
by Guest
Thanks Sean!! There are many times lately that I just feel like giving the anxiety the middle finger. My husband is a very outgoing person and I admire that so much. I used to be like that until I began having anxiety attacks after my son was born and would just stay in a constant state of panic all day. It has gotten much better but at times it just ticks me off. I want to enjoy watching my son grow up. Not worry constantly. I have to look back and congratulate myself sometimes. For taking him to the mall playground or out to eat or to the museum. I may be anxious when I go but I go.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:42 am
by Guest
Hi Naustin,
In a book that I currently reading called "Natural Relief from Anxiety" they suggest showing anger towards your anxious feelings to get them to subside. I'm glad to hear that it works. I'll definately try your technique next time. Thanks!