Good day today

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Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:03 pm

Post by eagle2 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:50 pm

Had a good day today. Am in Session 2, 3rd day. Today I got up earlier and went out and walked about a mile. Then I stayed busy the whole day, capping off the day with more exercise (some folks don't call hitting golf balls exercise). Also, did some yard work. By the way, worked at the office about 5 hours too. Then ate dinner, came upstairs and started working on my own personal Recovery Program called Attacking Anxiety & Depression. I planned my day after reading my Session 2 guidebook last night. My Recovery Program is teaching me how to control my thoughts better. I am looking forward to everyday like today. Hope this encourages someone.


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:52 am

Eagle, it sounds like you are off to a great start. I am about to begin session 9. I have spent 2 or 3 weeks on some sessions. I figure there is no deadline for this other than to succeed. My depression and anxiety was caused by the fact that I have to go back to work. If anyone just mentioned me going to work, I got that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's taken me a long time, but I am now actively looking for jobs and I just sent out my first resume a few days ago. It doesn't sound like much, but that was a MAJOR accomplishment for me.I feel SOOOO much better than I did 4 or 5 months ago. Keep up the good work!!!


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:41 am

Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you find a job soon that you like. You are to be commended for taking these steps. I played golf today but felt a little guilty which I should not have. My depression and anxiety is job related too. I work in the financial services business and don't have to tell you what is happening in that business. We must trust God to provide as He says He will in His word. I'm really glad you feel better. Please post me back and tell me which sessions you repeated. Thank you and God Bless.

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