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Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:47 am
by Prv31Mom
I just wanted to share my success! I got the program in December 2007 after reaching a really, really low point and then hearing the commerical on the radio. When I took the self-assessment test online I scored pretty high in every area! After going through the program once, using the relevant CDs (for the issues that I was having trouble with; such as anger, or time management, etc.) as needed, and now going through the program again just for reinforcement of the ideas...I took the self-assessment test "just for fun" today.


I feel so much better. I handle stress differently now. I don't put those "shoulds" or unrealistic expectations on myself or others (as much - LOL). I am less affected and more effective. I have a better diet and understand how foods affect me. I take time for me so that I will be able to not only take care of myself, but of my family and then others beyond that (work, etc.). I do more things for fun with friends, with my family, and ALONE. And I like it!

I'm not perfect by ANY means. I'm not "there" yet either, but I have learned that it's not really about getting "there" anyhow. It's about the journey, and growing and learning along the way.

I plan to keep reviewing the program and checking in on the discussion boards occasionally too! I just wanted to share that if you really commit and give this program an honest try - it will help you in ways you did not think it could.

Thanks, Lucinda...and the!


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:14 am
by Guest
Congratulations!! You are an inspiration to all of us. I am waiting to one day also post on the triumph board too. I am taking one day at a time and learning something new each day. I know I will,I am determined.

