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whatever got me to point A to B?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:30 am
by dxbab1692
when i was growing up, we didnt have much just a front yard, a field and some toys. i didnt know that i was depressed. it just seemed normal to be that way. i did have a family that always wanted to play, but i knew something was missing. over the years i grew older and a little wiser. the turnaround was college. i fell into a depressive state that was nothing to compare with. my life felt like it was over. every one stared at me knowing that i was different. even my cousin told me so. i ignored all the signs. when i was in the pit of my dismay, my father bought this program for me. befor hand i was sleeping all day eating unhealthy. it just wasn't good. well i started the program and i knew the first time i looked at it my dog days were over. unfortunitly i grew sick from being depress for so long. my appendics bursted and i almost died. in the hospital things got shookin up. i didnt get to do the sessions till i was healed. my faith in god grew while i was in there. i am currently good and healthy. And i am on session 11. im making great progress with almost all my depression gone. i am a new man with a new life.

Re: whatever got me to point A to B?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:56 pm
by Dixiesmom
Congrats on how good you are doing - both mentally and physically!!! I also think that I was depressed growing up, but that it spiraled out of control in college. I think that it happens to a lot of people, so we are not alone. Stick with the program and keep moving forward!

Re: whatever got me to point A to B?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:27 pm
by downsouth
I always get excited to hear of a person recovering. It also brings hope to those of us that are still in the beginning stages of fixing. Thank you for your bravery, and congrats!!!!