Better with the kids

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Better with the kids

Post by Iwillbebetter » Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:58 pm

I didn't really even realize, until talking with my mother the other day, but the progress I am making with my kids. I am no longer yelling and screaming, then feeling guilty for the way I "exploded" which leads me to then pretty much reward them for whatever it was that I was yelling about!! How is it that I end up being the one punished when I did nothing?? They act up and I'm the one now feeling aweful!! Well NO MORE OF THAT!! They do something wrong, I can now let them know what they have done wrong, what they could do next time to keep from making the same mistake and what the consequence is and then that's that no more no less!! I walk away feeling good, they walk away understanding why I was upset, and that there are consequences for our actions!! It's amazing how something so simple can change them so much. Now they are beginning to see that I mean what I say, I'm not just throwing out empty threats. If I say no story at bedtime, then I'm not reading at bedtime. I still have moments that I slip and will start to yell but I can catch myself stop it appologize for yelling and then continue with the new process of doing things instead of continuing in the old!!
"Only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again, and it's a cirlce, circling around again it comes around again...."

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