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Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:18 pm
by creamcheesepuff
I have dealt with this cloud of moving out of my homestate (in my childhood home) for some time now.....I have battled with emotions, crying, depression, memories of My family living was a mistake to move back into this house knowing one day I may have to move......But somehow....I feel somewhat liberated. I need to move on although those feelings creep back in. Has anyone ever experienced this in their life where they got so attached to a childhood home that they cant bear to leave it? I am coming full circle but still have my hometown is changing, people speak all different languages and no one is comfortable to be around anymore. I dont want to move but the house is old and my brother wants to sell it now. Its over 80 years old......any support would be kindly welcome.!!!!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:37 am
by Briarpatch
Hi CreamCheese:
I certainly do understand what you are feeling. I really do.
It is okay for you to cry with those feelings of an era passing.
My grandfather built a house in the very hearly 1900's. My grandmother passed away in that house. Later my Mom and Dad raised their children in that house. It was indeed my childhood home. I never lived in the house after I left home.
But it was a place where we could all go. It was always home.
Then the time came that my parents passed and the heirs decided to seel the place.
I cried buckets of tears.
About 10 years ago, I visited that area. "our" house was gone. It its place stood a huge modern home. The whole area had changed.
I sat in my car and viewed the changes from the road. I cired until I was about dehydrated from shedding tears.
Here is the thing, Creamcheese. No one can take your memories from you.
And we can't hold back change and progress.
Progression of time doesn't always feel good. But it must be
Cry your tears. But you can let it go.
You will still have those pictures in your heart.
New generations will come along. They will make their memories.
But things have to pass.
You can move on, and you will.
And wherever you go you will be taking a part of yesterday with you.
Yes, I do know how hard that is for you.
But you will be fine.
Life keeps on moving.
But you'll keep the old house in your heart by your memories.
You will learn to love a new house and make new memories there.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:13 am
by manofmusic
Hey Cream Cheese !

It's normal to greave (or fear) leaving something so familiar. I was the same way (so long ago LOL)

As the days and weeks and months pass, you'll begin to call your new house "home". You'll eventually realize that you don't need the actual childhood home anymore because it will be in your memories instead.

Don't fear or greave for too long. When you get situated in your new "home", make it a place that you feel comfortable with. Include some things from your past in the new house. That's what I did. Hang up some pictures of things (or people) that make you smile from your past.

Don't have all of us too !