Passing cars

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Panic Attack Lance
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:17 pm

Post by Panic Attack Lance » Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:32 am

My Dr. asks me several times what i feel like during a panic attack. I had a hard time putting it in words so she could understand , but I think I have them now. To me, I dont know about the rest of you it feels like, when you are passing a slow moving vehicle and realize that there is an oncoming car heading right at you and your not sure if there is enough time becuase there is no going back. My attacks are like the feeling immediately afterwards. I would like to hear from anyone about what theirs are like. Thanks for reading this ;)


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:30 pm

Hi lance; I belive thats a good description of the increase in heart rate the adrenilin and the light headness that goes on after a near miss like you describe. But after a recent near miss on my motorcycle I noticed one difference you might look for. On the bike after it was over I got all the symptoms I described earlier but I noticed a heightened awareness of everything. The vibrations of the bike through the foot pegs and the hand grips, the feel of the road and the awareness of every car around me without having to really pay attention, the smell of the air and the feel of the wind in my face all made for an exciting ride for the next five miles or so. However when I have a panic attack or high anxiety those symptoms of heightened awareness I described are not present. But they seem replaced by slightly clouded judgement from the worry that fills my mind, and reduced function while dealing with the physical symptoms of the moment such as gagging and chest tension. more fear, less excitment!More of it's just starting, less of thank God I made through that. I hope this can help in stimulating your descriptiveness for your doctor. good luck and don't give up! As long as you trust your doctor you will find a way! God bless, Bradley.

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