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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:44 am
by CortneyFL
Hi All!

I promised myself I would write a "triumph story" after I recovered from anxiety and almost forgot. I received my Attacking Anxiety program the day after Christmas, 2006. I continue to tell people about my past "anxiety problems" and Lucinda's program. I tell them of how "I used to be" and how much I've changed. I've done so much since December 26th of last year.

I started small...did my relaxation exercises every night, and listened to my CDs in the car on the way to work EVERY DAY FOR 5 months. I did my workbook like a college course I HAD to get an "A" in. Gradually I began to feel less anxious. Man, it was a fight. I came up with so many reasons of why I'd never be "normal" again, but here I am now feeling better than "normal!"

It took time...I have little "anxious" episodes still, but I'm strong, and I know I am capable, and I'm compassionate with myself. The best thing is now I know "IT'S JUST ANXIETY" biggie. And it's NOTHING like my general anxiety I had before.

If you are reading this still analyzing the program and doubting it will work, use my testimony as a trusting example. It was the best $400.00 I've spent in my life. I feel I am a healthy thinker now. I'm less critical of myself and other people. I am less cynical and more trusting of others. I am realistic in my expectations. But most of all...I am all these things MOST OF THE TIME. I realize I will not behave or think perfectly all the time and that is ok.

Since mid-way through the program I have driven 10 hours to a new city (Week 6,) quit my job (Week 8,) found a new one by taking a BIG chance (Week 10,) moved to a new state, in a big city with lots of traffic (Atlanta...right!) I've fallen in love, and have given God a chance, too. He proved to me that if you ask...He will answer in His unique way. It will probably not be in a way that you expect...he's cool like that. He answered me through Lucinda, and I wasn't surprised to hear in Week 12 that she was inspired by Him.

Living the life you want to live is totally possible. I feel now that the majority of my friends and family could benefit from the skills Lucinda teaches. They're not just exclusive to people who have anxiety.

Best wishes to everyone,


Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:12 am
by farmboyfox
Congratulations...and thank you for the are an inspiration for us newbies....

God Bless....

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:15 am
by lookinforhelp
Hi Cortney,

I'm anxiously awaiting the package to begin my healing process. I've been through one depression/anxiety episode 2 years ago and was fine up until a couple of months ago (I thought I'd never be "there" again). I'm really struggling to be normal (or feel well again). I do have lots of people around me that are very loving and understanding, but not having the same experience as me, can't fully grasp what I'm going through - I look fine on the outside, but on the inside I'm a mess.
Thank-you so much for sharing your experience with success, I hope and pray that next year I'll be able to post the same type of letter you are posting today.

God Bless!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:32 am
by deedee00
That's awesome cortney !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<span class="ev_code_GREEN">CONGRATULATIONS</span><span class="ev_code_GREEN"> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</span>

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:34 am
by Mello Nello
You have given all those who suffer from anxiety a gift for Christmas, by sharing your success!!!! It is very much appreciated!! God Bless you and <span class="ev_code_RED">Merry Christmas!!!!!</span> Nelly:)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:14 pm
by AnnieG
Congratulations! You're an inspiration, definitely. Keep up the good work!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:49 pm
by RodH
VICTORY stories, I Love 'em! It proves what I have secretly known all along, that it will require me to be as determined as Cortney was/is to read the workbook each day as much as I can. I have been lazy and not read and listened like I should and have caught myself making so many excuses to not dive into it like Courtney did (resistance to change) and as long as I keep putting it off, i will remain in panic and anxiety.
Thank You Cortney, God Bless,

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:31 am
by Diggy
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas, you sure have a reason to be happy. You give hope to a lot of people taking this program, I hope I can do the same. I have only been doing the program 9 weeks, but i must say i feel a lot better and i am learning a lot with these tools. My mom is ill,so i do sometimes get down, but i am learning to deal with it better than before.
Thank you , and many Blessings for the New Year!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:25 am
by dave_canada
What a wonderful story. You are an inspiration to us all. I have not been in the program that long but am too feeling the power of what it has to offer. I still have my moments, but the lessons I am learning and my journal help to keep me grounded. I know I will make this and stories like yours re-confirm this to my soul.

Thank you so much for sharing Cortney and when I am through this, I will also do the same as you did here.

Congrats and God Bless.
