Decided to deal with +30 year old issue: lip picking.

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Post by linuss » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:48 pm

Charlie, I don't know if you read this site anymore because I noticed that the last time you wrote anything was in 2008 but I have the exact same problems as you. I have compulsively bit my lip since I was around seven years old and I also have extreme health anxiety. I was looking up compulsive lip picking because I just had a baby and it seems my health anxiety has transferred over to my son and my lip picking has become extreme. Do you sometimes get extreme anxiety for no reason? When you are going through a bout of anxiety do you find it very difficult to concentrate on anything especially when people are talking to you?

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Post by jaime817 » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:38 am

WOW!!! I am so happy that I came across this page. I just on a whim googled it. I have been picking the center of my lip for ages, sprinkled with a little scalp picking. When I was younger I had an issue with pulling my eyelashes out. I am always embarrassed about the picking when the sores form but I usually don't stop until I hit some point when I just stop. I have notice that when ever I am stressed my lips magically become dry (no matter the season or the amount of lip balm) and and the picking commence.

I am glad that I finally found others and put a name and reason to something that has been that weird thing that I do. Its definitely something that we must go to prayer with and do the work to stop.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:26 pm

Wow, I'm glad this was brought back up to present! I don't pick my lips, but I'm having dry lips and they are peeling! I just learned here that petroleum jelly helps, I think that is what I read. I always thought that was bad because it was made out of petroleum :eek: and that is suppose to be drying.

I guess I will try that and the Camphophenique as well. Some of the lip stuff they have now purposely peels your lips! Yeow! :eek:

Now on a different note, my last Psychologist use to peel the skin off his ear and eat it while he was talking to me. Ick! :eek: It was disgusting, needless to say, when I had a chance to see him again, I thought, "No way!", plus he was falling asleep as well. :roll: :p Thanks again for posting! Paislee

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Post by jenicate01 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:02 am

I've been picking the center of my upper lip since before I can remember. My son is 3 and has started mimicking me and picking his lip as well.

I feel as though, even though he has no anxiety, he's just picking up my nasty habit.

I've made countless NY resolutions in the past to stop, but really feel like this year should be it because of the expected arrival of our next son in May. I also feel like recently my picking has escalated because I think I may be suffering from pre-partum depression.

I feel some small consolation in knowing that I'm not suffering alone and that others have the same problem. It doesn't make it any less embarrassing trying to cover the cuts and sores from after picking.

Thank you all.

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