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Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:27 pm
by doogiet
There is power in music.

The lyrics are posted right next to the video. The fact that the song is titled "Breathe" and the line about getting it all down on paper makes me think it's a musical form of cognitive behavioral therapy.

This song makes me want to cry (in a good way). :)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:55 am
by Guest
Hi doogiet,

I saw your post this morning and checked out the link and the lyrics. I was inspired, for the first time in my life, I wrote a poem. My day has been full of lots of stuff to do, and that is a good thing, as it keeps me active and distracted from all my personal woes. Who cares, I am good and I am okay. any way that is why I am just getting to respond to you joy.

I am happy that you found joy in those lyrics. Our lives are a constant and daily struggle, but somehow, we have to look past all the bad and look and listen for all the good that life can give us, in its people, relationships, good friends, our pets, the beauty of our surroundings, the waves of the ocean, sea or lake, the bristling and whistling sounds that the winds make as it blows through the trees. Ice cream, chocolate, candy and chips, yeah all the stuff that is bad for us but we eat it any way cause it tastes so good. The laughter or cooing of a child or baby. The joy that so many things bring us.

Kind of makes you wonder. We have all these precious moments to enjoy. So what is there to be so depressed about? Sure life is tough, but life can be so good too, it is what you want to make of it. Take all the joy and count everything all joy.

Here's the link to my poem:

I hope it gives more of everything good that can come your way.