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Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:55 pm
by danielclark
I am wondering if it would be worth a try to see a holistic dr? I posted earlier in the pre-diagnosis board about my long struggle with symptoms and problems with GI drs. Has anyone been diagnosed this way or have positive things to say? I would love some input. It seems these types of drs. might even be more sensitive?


I am currently working with a naturopath, she's the one that figured out to even have me tested for it! She is also giving me ways to continue the healing beyond just the intestinal healing. When you don't absorb nutrients over a long long period of time, your whole system gets out of whack and she told me it takes a huge effort to re-balance stuff, even after you've adapted your diet. So, I would highly recommend someone like that, they take a much bigger picture view of such health issues because this one in particular is not limited to your GI tract.