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Eating disorder symptoms?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:26 pm
by keepsmilin
I seem to always come back to the need to control what I eat...I grew up with an anorexic mother and sister and I suffered from stress binging and purging. I wasn't diagnosed with a true eating disorder of Bulimia, I just suffered from stress and needing control and such (the doc says.)

I do NOT throw up at all...ever...anymore. I eat soo healthy and I eat plenty...and I have chocolate, ice cream, fried foods and my favorite dishes when I reaaaally want them (I know NOT to cut anything out and deprive yourself).

Just curious if anyone has this?'re following the program well, and eating right and doing so good..but also feel a little guilt and sort of feel like you need to control what you look like by eating/not eating a ton. So...Please answer back if you have at all felt this way. Any encouragement would like greatly appreciated!

PS: This program is even helping me WITH THIS situation..but I would love more guidance and love... lol.
