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I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:17 pm
by shello
I am a school nurse and worked the program during the year as I have a long drive to and from work. I have been off work for a month now and haven't gotten on to the next lesson. Help motivate me. My big issue is when to listen to the CD's. As I am never alone. I have husbands and kids at home all summer. Any tips? I wonder if should put the CD's on my IPOD. Still when would I listen to them? UGH!!! Any tips???

Re: I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:20 pm
by mcshope
Hi shello,
I listen to the cd's in my car... every time that I have to go anywhere, the CD for the week is with me.
Usually I listen to half in my way to work and half in my way back... It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work.
I also have played the CDs while taking a shower and when cleaning the house. I don't have an ipod, but I have a little boombox that I can move from room to room.
Maybe you can ask your husband to take care of the kids for an hour and give you some ME time.....
How old are your kids????


Re: I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:33 pm
by shello
Wow that would be nice. Me time... I love the thought of that. I may ask him. They are 9 and 13. My 9 year old boy just hangs with me all day........ love him dearly but "me time" would be great. He could probably benefit from some male bonding with his dad anyway!

Re: I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:05 pm
by mcshope
ME time is wonderful to have, you just have to make an appointment with yourself. Don't feel selfish.... because after your ME time you will be in a much better place to share time with your family.

Re: I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:51 am
by Paisleegreen
I do the same thing as Hope, I have a portable CD player, so when I take a bath, (me time) locked bathroom, but with a cell phone due to my anxiety, :lol: I listen to the CD that I need to work on, I've already have listened to them all, so I pick one that I need to review. Then I also listen to them in my vehicle as well.

I just recently bought me a portable CD player that runs on batteries and has the little earbugs/earphones and I can listen to any CDs privately while I'm in my bed, on a couch resting or anywhere. I plan on using it while taking a walk, just need to figure out a little carrying bag to put it in. I bought this mainly to listen to relaxation CDs, not just Lucinda's. It has really helped a lot. It drowns out noise coming from other parts of the house.

I don't have an IPOD nor really want to spend money on more gadgets that I have to learn how to operate, I still need to learn how to operate my cell phone! LOL! DD got me a newer phone, not anything special, but whenever anything is "new" technology wise, I have to learn it. It just takes longer due to me not having the interest, need, nor the time to figure out these gadgets.

So the portable CD player, which happened to play the radio also, not sure if it was just FM or not, was a great buy at Walmart, but bought new ear phones that fit in my small ears more comfortably as well at a different store as Walmart didn't have it.
The CDplayer was $25.00 with easy to use features and simply. So if I lose it or break it, I won't have to feel too bad. I first looked at a Walkman twice the price and decided I don't really need all the added features, since I'm not listening to music much and not in the habit of using a portable device at this time.

I hope this helps. Listening to the CDs are the biggest help you will get with this program, I seem to pick up more knowledge each time I listen to a CD and more relaxation when I use the relaxation CD that I got recently that is a little different than Lucinda's. Paislee :mrgreen:

Re: I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:18 pm
by mramirez10
I too listen to the CD's in the car when ever I go somewhere. My kids are in the car too. I have 5 that are all home now for the summer. I don't care that they listen as well. They are learning from them too. It's great! Sometimes they just talk amongst them selves and don't listen and if they get too loud I'll let them know. They know this is important to me. I also just stick the cd's in my dvd player in my room and will listen to them while I do laundry or what ever else. I don't have an ipod, but if I did I would put them on there as well.

Re: I am in a lull!!! Help me!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:20 pm
by mramirez10
Paisleegreen where did you get your other relaxation cd's? Are they effective?