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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:47 am
by Guest
I always take a glass of ice water with me wherever I go. I drove up to McDonalds and poured the ice on the windshield. I asked the lady who was serving me, "Did you know it has been hailing outside, today?" She looked at me kinda dumbfounded. I, then, pointed to the ice on my windshield. She responded by, " I guess it has, but, I just have been so busy, I just hadn't noticed!"

I never told her any different. I just wanted to bring a little humor into the day...

That was one of my "silly moments"....I guess we all have them, huh????

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:27 am
by Mom of 6
lol Now that was funny :D I can only imagine how difficult it must've been to not bust out laughing!!!
Love your sense of humor Ms.T Bones!!!

Just allow the "kid" inside to come out and enjoy the awesomeness of laughter and fun!!!

God bless you,

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:06 am
by New Stace
Wow..Mom of 6...One never knows when you will pop in and say the nicest things. I am just silly, period....

It is sooo beautiful outside, today. I have been doing laundry and cleaning house.

I got up really early this morning. I just could not lay in bed...I wanted to watch my birds eating out of their feeder. I enjoy them sooo much.

My hubby is going to turn my regular outdoor water fountain into something much larger and prettier. He has an idea, but, he hasn't shared it with me, yet. I think he wants to surprise me...Bless his heart!!!!

I hope all is going well with you!!! I miss you bunches!!!!

I get on the computer, in between, my chores...LOL....Love Ya Bunches...God Bless!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:05 pm
by Shifrah
That is hilarious! I would love to pal around with you. Sometimes my beloved family doesn't appreciate my sense of humor.

<IMG SRC=" ... nny-08.jpg">

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:22 pm
by Guest
Shifrah...I sure do appreciate you sense of humor...I bet we would have lots of fun together, since, I enjoy doing things off the wall...LOL

Just plain clean fun,
Can't beat that one!!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:24 pm
by Guest
BTW...I just adore the pictures you post!!!!
And I still love my exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a great night...Love Ya Bunches!!!