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Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:26 am
by Ken Frank
I am just starting week 3 and have not yet gotten enough courage to ask my wife to listen to the support portion of this program. I know that she will be supportive, but something is just holding me back. She knows what's been going on with me and the anxiety issues for the past year, but part of me is afraid that she will just dismiss it or not take it seriously. Has anyone else either held off or finally shared it with their spouse? And if so, how did it go? Thanks!

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:20 am
by Guest
Ken first congratulations on starting the program!! I was hesitant for the better part of my marriage to approach my wife with the way I was feeling. To her I was this strong, always there, take charge type of guy when inside I was having a tough go at it. I finally opened up to her after many years trying to read everything I could get my hands on to find out what exactly was going on with me. She for the most part has been supportive but for her (not having the problem) she has a hard time relating to the sessions. I do believe however she at times does hear/see something that she can directly connect to me. Best advice...give her a chance. You say she too will be supportive...take advantage of that. When getting ourselves together we need all the support we can get. Take care.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:31 am
by Guest
I really appreciate the reply and advice. She is very supportive, so I just need to have the confidence to share more about my issues and bring her into the program with me. Or atleast the support portion.

Thanks again and take care!

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:27 am
by Guest
i am also on session 3 right now and have yet to let my husband listen to the supportive cd as well i just feel hesitant to do it i am not sure why let me know how it works out for you good luck

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:57 am
by Guest
From a woman's POV, if I knew you were having issues with something affecting your life, and I knew you were working on getting help, I'd be so pleased and honored if you shared your journey with me. I'd feel like you trusted me with that part of you that was vulnerable. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:20 am
by ren
Thanks Pecos! I appreciate your insight. I am going to take the advice and share it with her this weekend. I will let you all know how it goes. Thanks again for listening and offering some really good suggestions.Take care.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:33 am
by Guest
Hi Ken,

Great Topic!!!

My husband has been a part of my battle against all aspects of my recovery processes from day 1.

This goes back to my dropping all my meds, researching the net for help in dealing with my anxiety and depression, using CBT, for 3 months and then ordering this program. He has sat many hours listening to sessions with me and has been a wonderfully supportive Man throughout our 20 years together. We are each others support and I feel with all my heart that it is a vital part of intimacy to be involved with each other's daily emotions good and bad. He has had his bouts of depression and anxiety from work related issues and some family issues and I have been there for him so it's a two way street so to speak and we really need all the positive support we can get or give to each other. It makes us stronger and I believe the old saying !!

Best Wishes, Always

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:41 am
by Guest
Thanks Monty's mom. Your words of wisdom are encouraging to hear. And I really didn't think about the fact that she too will get something out of it besides supporting me and understanding my issues. She has had many up's and down's, so going through this journey with me will help he become stronger and able to better cope with her feelings. I am going to share it with my wife this weekend. I told her about the support portion in the very beginning and told her that I would be sharing it with her. She hasn't said anything or asked about it, but that may be due to her wanting it to me on my time. Thanks again for your thoughts. Take care, Ken

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:54 am
by Guest
Hey Ken,

I'm sure she will feel sooooo much closer to you and sharing will just make you both stronger as a couple.

Blessings for a wonderfull weekend!!
Hope you wil post how you made out sharing the program.


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:50 am
by Guest
hi there ken
ive been married for 7 years now and i love my wife to bits and i hope she loves me as much
i had suffered agoraphobia/panic attacks every single day but as far as my condition is concerned my wife as completely turned her back on me and isnt one bit interested in my recovery.I`m constantly asking her for help if only its to go a little walk so i can get out but she isnt interested.All she says is she doesn`t understand
you say your wife is very supportive about your condition well please please let her in and help you all the way
speak from the heart and let her help you in anyway she can i know if i were you i would be proud to have my wife help me recover
good luck with your road to recovery