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Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:47 am
by Sparkler
I was in the weekly staff meeting, and the boss was droning on about production rates, pareto charts, just-in-time inventory systems, blah blah blah..... And there was a fly buzzing around the room. The fly kept landing on this ladies cup of water, and she kept brushing it away. And watching that fly on that cup of water... something in my mind made me imagine the fly taking a dip, having a bath in the water, and shaking like a dog. There was something so hilarious about that image, that I couldn't help myself and busted out laughing, and couldn't stop. The whole meeting came to a stop because I was laughing so much, and I was too embarrassed to try to explain. The boss thought I was laughing at something he said. I should have ran out in the hall, but I didn't. The boss came to me later, and asked me what was so funny, and I still couldn't talk about it. It was just such a stupid thought, and I couldn't begin to explain.

Sad part is, I was fired from that job not long after that. Everyone thought I was "weird". Good part is, the company named their products after serial killers, and I couldn't stand working for sick twisted freaks anyway.

If you get too depressed, just remember, "shake like a dog." But not during a meeting.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:43 am
by Guest

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:25 pm
by Guest
Hi Sparkler,
I have done things like this many times!!! A thought will just enter my mind, and I will begin cracking up!!!

It must have begun in my childhood, because I can remember my sister and I laughing sooo hard, that we would awaken our parents!!!

They would say that we had our "giggle boxes" turned over!!! And that would make us laugh that much harder!!!

I think it is good that we can find "laughter" in things!!! I know that it does wonders for me!!!

Thanks for sharing!!! Too funny for me!!! Tee Hee!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:10 am
by Guest
ok i didnt even see the fly on the cup but im laughing about what you described. so it was funny, dont worry. and yes i have moments like that all the time!!

i think the stupidest one for me recently was at the bookstore. they sell these ridiculously small books and my coworker/bf and i dont see the point in them. they are usually SUPER condensed versions of popular books. for example a religious self help book condensed into a 2inch x 2inch size quote book. and original book is like 14.99 and the quote book is 9.99 and we think its so ridiculous...why not just buy the original?!?! i hope that makes sense to people who dont work in a bookstore!

anyways, i started cracking up when i was shelving books in religion and my bf walked by and i grabbed the little quote book and picked it up looked at it incredulously and then pretend to eat it like a cracker.

and he and i were about rolling on the floor. and im pretty sure no one in this forum understands this but booksellers. so you see, its ok to laugh at ridiculous images and/or inside jokes.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:00 pm
by Guest
You guys sound like you'd be fun to shop with haha