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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:05 am
by helenmelon
Hi everyone!! I just had a baby two months ago. And in the hospital I had an alergic reaction to a medication I think they gave me and I broke out in hives and my neck got swollen. It really freak me out and now I keep thinking that I am just going to stop breathing or my throat is going to close. ANd sometimes i think I have something that the doctors did not find and i am just going to die. I cant stand keep thinking this way. I also think I have a problem with my gallbladder and most likely have to get it remove because it is so painful sometimes but then I think what if they put me to sleep and I dont wake up. I feel so selfish because i have the most beautiful heathly boy and all I do is worry about myself please help thanks

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:44 am
by Boon
Don't feel guilty. The reason you focus on yourself is because you want to be there for your child. So let the guilt go.

It is so common to experience anxiety and obsessive thinking with any hormonal changes. Having a baby is such a change. Do you have the program?

Use your stop sign to stop those thoughts coming in (after the initial thought). Then use your calm breath and turn your attention on to something in the present moment. These are effective tools and get easier with practice. Make it OK to feel the way you feel. Don't resist it and also don't try to hurry it away. It will pass in its own time. Nothing is wrong with you. Your body is behaving normally for your situation. Be patient and loving with yourself.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:57 am
by ~*Kathy*~
On the topic of your gallbladder, it is worth getting it out. Mine was full of gallstones and I would have attacks anytime I ate any fat and they were the most painful thing I have ever experienced. The surgery is quick and it only takes a couple days to get back on your feet. It will change the rest of your life in terms of what you can eat and digestion but it is worth it.