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Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:48 am
by AuntDee
Does anyone else out there obsess about their health? Before I even get out of bed in the morning I am doing a quick body scan looking for any aches, pains or strange sensations. Before I know it, here they come! When I have a panic attack, I tend to have the typical symptoms. But these sensations happen almost every day, all throughout the day. Some times it will be only one symptom like chest pains but after a while I will feel like I'm not getting enough air and I'll start feeling light headed. So, of course I will convince myself that I'm having a heart attack. I've gone to the hosital a couple of times already and everything checked out fine. Then when I start feeling that my heart is okay, I'll come up with new symptoms for a new disease. I'll feel light headed, like the floor isn't quite level, throw in some chills or numbness and tingling in my extremities and now I have MS. Then there's the pelvic pain with the indigestion and back pain. So now I have Ovarian Cancer. These are my big three. I have been to the doctor many times. But I can't seem to get ahold of this. I have a constant chatter in my head that is all negative. I carry lots of guilt about the past, I am very sensative, I get my feelings hurt easily, I am a perfectionist and I want to please everyone. I am finding myself wanting to retreat from everyone, but I really like people. I just got the attacking anxiety program, but I feel like I got it too late and I'm beyond help. Does anyone else feel this way?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:40 pm
by Guest
First let me say, Congratulations on getting the program. Second you are definitely not alone. And third, it is never too late.

I obsess about other things now, but I use to obsess so much about my physical health. I was bed ridden for like 6 months. That is how bad it was. Yesterday was my 2 years anniversary. 2 yrs ago I hit rock bottom, and 2 yrs later I conquered my panic attacks. I use to obsess and fear that I could not breathe and the anxiety attack would fuel that fear. But eventually I got through it with everything I learned from this program.

I got a physical with a doctor and got the OK that really all I had was generalized anxiety.
That gave me the ease to relax about my health and focus on the anxiety disorder.

If I may recommend, chamomile tea. It is natural, caffeine free, it relaxes your whole body and is great for the digestive system. I know you did not mention digestive issues but, with our nerves flying through the day, your stomach is one of the quickest areas to get really tense and it affects your digestive system.

Keep us posted, take care

Eddy J

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:28 pm
by Guest
Auntdee, you are not alone, when i read your post it seams that was written by me, i get the same symptoms and lately is almost every morning a variety of pains come every day,and when i get this terrible pain on my legs is when i know i am going to get it bad, also have chest pain, back, neck, shoulder, ovaries, every where pain. I also have been at the doctor for a full check up and everything had come out well even more,h recently i had a major surgery and my biggest fear was that i was going to die while surgery due to the anesthesia, and here i am ... :) .
I have been on and off from this for years and had taken medication on and off as well but i refuse to let this take over my life, I'm going to tell you what i do: I challenge this thoughts saying to my self...... Well if i am going to die so be it any ways I'm going to die one day. it might sound crazy but this takes away the fear of dying some how, also drink lots of soothing teas that seams to help as well. i hope that you will feel better .