Worried about not worrying

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Worried about not worrying

Post by pookie4 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:02 pm

I am in need of some advice!!!! I have had obsessive scary thoughts since August...The past couple weeks I have put a lot of effort into letting them go... My thoughts have not bothered me but I still have them. I just dont worry about them as much. Does this mean I am starting to like them?? Should I be worried or is this the beginning of recovering. For the past 5 months I would get online everyday to look up the symptoms and many other mental illnesses. My therapist told me I wont get better by doing that it will just keep me in the cycle of anxiety. So I stopped and then today I started worrying that I was going to start likeing my thoughts because they werent bothering me the way they had been in the past...Any advice would be great. I just dont want to ever start liking my thoughts or start thinking that I should act on them. Any adivce would be great Thank you

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Re: Worried about not worrying

Post by coach21 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:42 pm

Hi Pookie,

As per "Does this mean I am beginning to like them?". No. Reality is you are beginning to view these thoughts for what these thoughts really are; insignificant. Props to your therapist for suggesting that you stop surfing the web. The internet is a great resource (this peer support site) however, their are alot of sites and blogs filled with alot of misinformation. Your sensitive to some of this information right now so it's not a good idea to surf. Trust the path that you are on. Your making great strides.

As per "worrying I was going to start liking my thoughts..." No. That will never be your reality. Like any symptom of anxiety (heart palpitations, eye floaters, twitches, obscure intrusive thoughts ect..) through applying the coping skills we learn through this program and other resources, we begin to incorporate healthy, rational responses to these symptoms. We incorporate these responses into our belief system ultimately perceiving these symptoms for what they really are; insignificant. Again, congrats to your progress. Your a great inspiration and testimonial that any human struggling with this symptom of anxiety possesses the ability to eliminate the feelings of depression, anxiety, frustration associated with these thoughts. Keep up the great work pookie!! E-mail anytime for support!!

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