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Fear of Driving

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:40 pm
by abby1
I have made it as far as lesson 10. My big fear is having an anxiety attack when I am driving. I work about 30 minutes from home but it is a one hour drive because I can't get on the highway. I have been going down the backroads for almost five years now and it is a huge waste of time that I could spend with my family and also probably doubles the money I spend in gas. I have mastered two lane highways with the help of this program and I am able to get into the fast lane which I couldn't do before so I am making some progress but still feeling very discouraged about larger highways. I got on the highway with a friend in the car a couple months ago and went about four exits but when I attempted to do it by myself the following day I started to panic on the ramp and by the time I was on the highway my hands and legs were shaking. I went slowly to the next exit but I thought I was never going to make it. Just the thought of it almost gets me into a panic. Just wondering if anyone had any advice that might help.

Re: Fear of Driving

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:35 am
by Iwillbebetter
Abby, hey you might have gotten shakey, but you made it right?? And you are okay!! Look at how far you have come!! You are making progress, there is no need to rush!! Take it one step at a time. Maybe do as you just did a few times, get on and then off at the next exit. Use your positive take and remind yourself you will be ok. It is just the anxiety. It can't hurt you. You will be okay. I have found it very helpful to listen to some of the sessions while driving. Someone said something that I have repeated to myself and said to many others, it's not the speed, but the direction that counts!! :) The more we work at it, the more progress we make. It doesn't matter if we can do it in a day, week, month etc... It's knowing that we can and will do it :)