I feel different...please read

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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I feel different...please read

Post by Verticious » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:41 pm

Sooo, I've been cutting through the course experiencing all I have experienced through this tough time of Anxiety and Depression. Since around October when I started I have been dealing with a lot of change and stress in my life on top of panic attacks and just plain old anxiety. I have been grieving the last 4 months over the breakup of my girlfriend who I was with for the better part of 6 years. I have been, for once, releasing my emotions and feeling the pain I know is healthy. The past few days I released a lot of emotion and energy and felt amazing after. A couple days after that, depression settled in as it has over the course of these months, and I feel different. I think I have had a lot of anxiety about my breakup among other things I have been dealing with. I was just wondering if anyone, through the help of this course has dealt with and released negativity and sadness, and felt better? and as a result experienced 'realizations' about the way things have been in their life. As if so much has just been weighing them down for a long time. It's as if all my anxiousness and things I've had anxiety about doing or thinking about has been a distraction because I have bottled up so much emotion for a long time. I've had anxiety throughout the years and I understand when I faced it and other things, my anxiety surfaced and got really strong. I've also quit drinking for about 4 months now since I began the program. And I've drank enough over the years and often throughout the weeks. I just feel like I have a clarity I've never had before and I feel different. Kinda scared at times but normal. I suppose I've had so much anxiety about everything lastely that if I am feeling true happiness and positive change, I won't be used to it.

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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:22 pm

Re: I feel different...please read

Post by NeverQuit » Fri May 13, 2011 12:24 pm

Hey Verticious,
I know it's been a while since this was posted, but I am going through I think a smiliar experience right now and thought I would get some of my thoughts out...

I just ended a relationship that I was in for almost a year and a half that had been slowly deteriorating. I was at the point where it didn't feel right to continue it anymore, and it was really hard for me to break it off, but I felt like it was what God had for me to do. I too am going through the whole mourning process right now, and it's a HUGE growth experience for me! God is really using it to grow me and mature me and I have the decision whether I am going to allow it to be a growing experience, or to try and distract myself with obsessions about the relationship and what happened.

Just like you're saying, it's SO IMPORTANT to give ourselves that opportunity to grow and work through these emotions! I am fighting against unrealistic expectations for myself that no one has for me, I am just telling myself. The healing process is so key! And yes, in it, we ARE going to feel anxious and be fighting these anxieties, one of my limitations has been making decisions because I feel like I CAN'T. But I am finally seeing that inner dialogue and am ready to fight it. I am more important than this relationship or the future, God wants to work on me here and NOW! It's okay to feel anxious, if it didn't hurt, we wouldn't be healthy. :)

That's my .02, I have no clue if that is what you're feeling, but I thought we might be having similar experiences...You're probably ahead of me by now! :)

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