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Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:02 pm
by missobsessive
Okay, a long time ago, I went to see an OCD specialist for all of my scary thoughts. Unfortunately, I did not have health insurance at the time, and still don't :? , so I could afford to see her only about 3 times.

HOWEVER, she did offer a good way of thinking about these obsessions. She said that these pure-o thoughts are just like bullies. Imagine a bully in school always trying to take a kid's lunch money or something. Every time, the kid gives in. So the bully just keeps on bullying. Until one day the kid decides to ignore the bully, and not give in. He might even bully back a little bit by saying "Here! You want this too?? And this too???? I don't care! I'm not scared of you!!!" The bully might try a little harder for a bit, but will eventually realize that he's not going to win. So he gives up.

I was telling all of this to my dad (who thank goodness I have...I am extremely lucky), and he said that I should name it something. Give it a name like a person, and bully it back like a person. friend and I were trying to think of a name that started with 'O', and we went with Olga lol. Now every time these pure-o thoughts start acting up, I can make fun of it even more by saying "Olga's trying to get started up again." Or "Olga's acting up again, settle down there, Olga." It's kinda stupid, but hilarious at the same time. Maybe this will help to deflate its power :D .

Everybody should name their OCD, pure-O thoughts, scary obsessive thoughts, anxiety, or whatever you wanna call it! I, myself, think it's pretty funny. ;) :p :D

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:16 am
by Guest
Thank you for those wise words! I know so many techniques, but suddenly I will get a new obsession pop-up and I'm off and running with it. It makes me feel crazy & depressed. I will take your suggestion.