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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:51 am
by Lena Hourglass
Being an obsessive scary thinker, I like to spread out monumental events in my life (and not bite off more than I can chew), but every once in a while I am hit concurrently with something out of my control.

I have been planning a cruise for a month and, yes, time has flown. OMG - I am scared of getting sea sick.

Now, I am up for promotion, which is not just a raise in pay but a change in position and environment. I had the option to decline this opportunity, but I had wanted this type of position for a while, I just didn't think it would happen the week I am leaving for my cruise. Well, my supervisors were okay with my vacation immediately following training, but it's overwhelming for me.

I can laugh because it's a good thing, right? A promotion and a vacation beginning in one week? Sadly, for an overanalyzer, worrier and perfectionist like me, things aren't looking so good. I am anxious and nausious, even draining myself of the precious energy that makes me an effective worker.

Well, I am trapped. Thank goodness, because if I had the opportunity to backout and quit - turn tail and run - I would. The time for complacency is gone and change has caught me in a whirlwind.