Can't stop thinking that someone is going to come and attack me and my family.

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Post by overcomer11 » Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:50 pm

Fear of dark home and noise and obsessive about someone coming to attack me and my kids while my husband is gone. Even sometimes when he is here.What kind of thought can I replace this with?


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:00 pm

Hello!I just went through those thoughts last weekend.I was by myself for four days.I would pray and then I'd say to myself "Jesus is with me.He protects me.He will never leave or forsake me."This really helped me.You have to believe those words.You'll find peace.God Bless!!


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:24 pm

hi just wanted to let you know i have those thoughts also and the only thing that gets me through it is to pray alot of times i say the our farther and hail mary over and over and next thing i know it is morning. good luck and God is with you.

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Post by dj63 » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:50 pm

Thank you both for bringing it back to God. You are right, He is with, He will not leave me nor forsake me, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.. I must continue to replace these thoughts with the word of God. Thanking you for helping me. Sometimes I used to wonder if I was a good Christian if I am going through this and feeling fear, but I believe that I go through this becuase God knows with Him and in Him I am a conquerer and He is in control. One day I will be used like you both to encourage someone. Thank you again for being obedient and giving me the word to comfort me. May God bless you both.


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:04 pm

i dont know if this will help you, but it has helped me when i have scary thoughts. i havent had those thoughts, but scary is scary. when i have a "what if," scary thought, i do 1 of 2 things. first, i visualize the scary thought actually happening, then i visualize crazy ways that i could deal with it. for example, sometimes i freak out about getting jumped or robbed while im by myself outside. so, i visualize that actually happening and visualize myself turning into a kung fu master and taking them all out and walking away triumphantly. or i visualize an actual kung fu master coming out of nowhere and saving me and then i become friends with him. it seems to me that the goofier you visualize it, the faster you will calm down. i think it has to do with the fact that with this method, you convince your mind that initial worry is just as irrational as the outrageous solution you can come up with in your head. i know it sounds overwhelming to actually visualize your scary thoughts happening, but just realize it is your own mind's visualization and you control what you visualize. let it be scary, that's ok. but know that there's no need to obsess about it because u cant predict the future.
the second way i deal with scary "what if" thoughts is i replace it with a fun what if. for example, take the same worry about being robbed or jumped. as soon as something like that pops into my head, i think something like: what if i won the lottery? or what if i could fly? its all what if thinking, but the ones i replace it with arent scary at all and thinking about the answers can be very fun if you let yourself go a little with it. sometimes i even write my answers down and that takes my mind even further from the fear. i guess what i'm trying to say is if youre going to obsess about a thought youre having, do your best to make it a fun one instead of a scary one. i know it is easier said than done, but if nothing is helping, anything is worth a try, right? anyway, good luck to you. this too shall pass.


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:10 pm

This is really a good idea. I've never thought about making it a story line in my mind. I like the humorous what if situations. I will probably try that. Thanks!


Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:14 am

I don't know how much of a positive step this is (:)), but I had those thought a LOT too. I put small white Christmas lights on the trees in my livingroom...they look super decorative, but they also keep enough light in there that I feel safer. Don't ask me why. LOL It just works.

Maybe it's something like that soft, white glow that Lucinda talks about on the relaxation cd? :)

Best wishes...just remember...they are only THOUGHTS and thoughts can't hurt you!



Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:16 am

I'm not nuts, by the way...I don't keep Christmas trees up year round. Those are ficus trees, but I have seen people put them in decorative vases, or on mantels too. Or a nice decorative table lamp might work.

Sorry - I'm being obsessive today about clarifying! :D

(Shutting up now...)


Post by Guest » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:37 pm

When my ex husband traveled with the military often, we were home alone. THe kids slept with me in a locked bedroom along with our dog. Finally, he put in an alarm system that gave me great peace of mind and wasn't costly. I was able to sleep much better.


Post by Guest » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:39 pm

I have a big German shepard,nobodys coming in my house uninvited and leaving with what body parts they came with LOL. Get a dog

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