I obsess about something happening to my children!

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Post by InHisWordEO » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:14 am

I just received the program last week and I finished Session 1. I really believed God brought this program to me and I am so encouraged when I hear testimonies from others on it has helped them and how they enjoy their FREEDOM! I, too, pray that I find that too...

My problem is Anxiety..it's has become worse these past three months. I lost my mother, suddenly, while she and my dad were on a cruise. I know this is a hard blow, but the unexpectedness, is really hard to deal with at times. So grief has basically compounded my anxiety. The biggest challenge I now have is that my daugther who is 16 will be visiting tomorrow my brother in Atlanta with my Dad (who by the way I've been caring for him since my mom passed.) I am so anxious about my daugther traveling that I am now having panic attacks and scary thoughts that something is going to happen to her and I will never see her again. I've even asked her not to travel. I don't want to cast off my fears on her. She assures me everything will be okay and that she understands that I am so anxious because of what happened to my mom. I need help - I am really struggling with this and want to be okay, but I can't stop obessing about these thoughts. Does anyone else have the fear of something horrible happening to their children, to where it debilitates you? Now that I think about it, I have had this anxiety and fear since she was little (from checking on her in her crib, to when she now rides in a car with someone else than my husband or I.) We're talking the better part of 16 years but now with mom passing - I feel like it's on HIGH DRIVE...and she leaves tomorrow for a week....I need help! I also have a five year old and my husband and I plan to take her to the beach (we live in Miami) towards the latter part of the week so I can relax and spend some quality time with my little one. I have faith in God and my faith is what has seen me through my grief but these thoughts are just horrible. I start thinking to myself that this isn't anxiety is really mother's intuition that something bad is going to happen...it's amazing what your mind can do!!! I would welcome to hear from anyone that suffers from this...God bless you all!


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:50 am

Hi, This is so strange I feel like I could have written your letter. I worry about my teenager and daughter all the time. It gets to be a obessesion. My daughter has traveled with friends on vacation and I'm a basket case. I don't now why but I constantly worry about them being in a car accident or something happening to them. I lost my mom 10 years ago so maybe it does have something to do with that. I also have a thyroid issue which makes the matter worse. I can tell you its just worry not intuition so try not to worry about your daughter. She is going to have a great time and hopefully if you stay busy the time will go fast. If you find anything that really works for you please let me know. I haven't found the answer to stopping the worry yet. Good LUck


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:24 am

Hello InHisWordEO:

I can't imagine any of us not worrying about the most precious thing in the world to us...our kids! It's so normal to worry about their safety. We love them so much and have raised them so carefully, that when they experience anything out of "our" safety zone, we all worry. I also would like to point out that loosing a parent, especially someone so suddenly...would leave us with some separation anxiety. Wouldn't that be normal under the circumstances? Your mom just passed suddenly, you havn't a chance to even grieve much and I think this is part of your grief. Anything goes when we are grieving. My dad passed away suddenly when I was 18 and I remember feeling like my foundation was shattered...also, I remember my mom hugging me and telling me that if she ever lost any of her daughters at that point she would just die. I think loosing someone you love like that leaves us vulnerable to loss and we just don't want to experience any more loss and pain. I think your daughter and dad will be just fine and it might actually be good for them to do this vacation. Keep reassuring yourself...speak to yourself with kindness and compassion and lean on your husband for support (if you can). You're hurting right now and you have to be so gentle with yourself. Perhaps call her several times a day to reassure yourself and to let her know how much you love her. Maybe explain to her the pain you are in re:your mom and together you two can work this vacation anxiety out. I think what you are going through is completely normal and please give yourself a break. You mentioned you have all the faith in God,,,that takes some courage to let go and let God. Maybe hand it over to God and try and float through your week and perhaps you might find some moments of joy and peace with your husband and 5 year old. My thoughts are with you .... I'm so sorry for your pain. Please remember to be good to yourself.
My Best to you,


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:47 am

I have always obsessed about accidents and horrible things happening. I work for Personal Injury lawyers and I always thought that had a lot to do with it. Our clients, those horrible accident photos - sometimes I just have to detach from it all.

When I was a child I dreaded my parents dying. When I had children I worried about them all the time. Then I decided I was being kind of selfish in a way. "My children" were really God's children, as we all are - they are sent to this earth "through us". All we can do for them is the best we can, with the resources we have available to us at the time.

My dad got sick a few years ago and went into a nursing home. He reverted into a child-like state and thought my sister and I were his sisters. It was really a strange but endearing relationship. I developed a great bond with him and my co-caregiver, my wonderful sister. For the next 8 months we watched him get sicker and weaker and wither away. Of course, it upset me when he passed away, but not like I had alway imagined. I was OK. I did everything I could for him while he was alive and had no regrets. It's really a very peaceful feeling. I hope you can find that feeling one day.


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:05 am

This is me too....I worry about the kids and my family all the time as well....although its better now that I have been through the program but I can still have that ugly worry monster sneak up on me.....sometimes it can be as simple as a feeling in my gut what if I shouldnt send my son on the school bus today.....is this a premanition or just anxiety. Sometimes its bigger like what if my Father travels for work and gets in an accident....I would be stopping everyone with my "esp" if I let it.

Its very hard for me to let go and just say come what may.....But Im learning to try not to look too far into the future. For instance if your daughter is leaving try not to think about the flight till flight time....that kind of thing...Its hard....I know....but that helps me to not to blow things up out of porportion.

I think its part of being a Woman/Mom we cant stop but care and worry. Im sure your daughter will have a wonderfull time with her Grandpa its a good thing what your doing letting her have that time of what she will feel is independence and your Dad probably needs to feel to be needed and she will be his responsibility so even though you are stressing what your doing for both of them is so wonderfull.

Try to think of all the fun stories you all can sit around and share once everyone is back...your trips to the beach with your other child and their trip to Brothers house.....

I hope it helped in someway to know your not alone.


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:32 am

Thank you everyone for your encouraging words - she left this morning and arrived safely (Praise God!) I did have a major breakdown last night but have been able to keep it together (a little a least) today. She's been awesome in texting me and letting me know what she's doing and that helps..I so want her to have a good time. I know my Dad is being taken care of by brother so I seem to just be obessing about her...it's so weird... I will keep busy with work and my little one.. My husband has been very supportive and I have few good friend lifting me up in prayer.

I feel like I'm walking through this dark tunnel and I'm only get to the other side...one step at a time. I will do Session 2 (I wish I was further along so I could have some tactics to use...) and I hope relief and freedom comes to me as I've seen how many others the program has helped...I truly am sick and tired of worrying and obsessing 24/7 - it's draining .. both emotionally and physically...any tactics from those of you further along would be so WELCOMED!

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