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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:13 am
by Guest
paxcas, I can so relate with you about wanting to see more results. YES. The program does work. Am I still having problems you bet!! You can be doing better, seeing an improvement and BAM, major stressors come and bigtime setback!! As you will learn it's not really a setback, it's a GROWTH SPURT. I've been in a growth spurt for some time now. Does this mean the program doesn't work? No! The program is great, the forums are great and just this morning the people from chat helped me immensely.

I don't know if David's post on here helped you but it sure helped me!! I need all the encouragement I can get!!

Some people overcome their anxiety in a short time, others like me may take years. However long it takes, I know I WILL get better. Also the things that have changed is I'm now singing up front in church on our praise and worship team without being a nervous wreck. I started a Karoke night in our town and have really enjoyed that. I have driven to my friends myself (4 hrs. away) for the 3rd time now. I did get lost when I had a friend with last time but that's because we were talking and I didn't have my driving CD playing to help me relax. I didn't break down and cry or panic like I might have done in the past. I calmly stated I knew we'd eventually come out to a road I knew and I did!! This morning I had to make a very difficult phone call. I listened to my lesson on assertiveness, was assertive and hopefully will get what I want/need. Point being, I felt good about what I did and I didn't get angry. What a relief that was!! Work the program. Look for positive, uplifting posts. You will see improvement!! God bless and good luck.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:34 am
by hopehound
My biggest problem is Obsessive scary thoughts. Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome these, whats helped the most?


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:25 am
by Guest
Amber - there is a whole session on OST )obsessive scary thoughts) - I think it is #9. I'm sure you will find it really helpful when you get there! :)

I am on 13. I can NOT begin to tell you about the improvements in my life since beginning this program. Admitedly, I took a lot longer on a few of the weeks than others, but the change is indescribable and way, way for the positive!!! :) My husband noticed a major difference in me after 4 weeks!!!

I think another poster mentioned this, but it is true that as people proceed through the healing and growing process, they tend to post less on here. Don't be discouraged by that though! :) People come back to help and encourage others or to receive encouragement on a "down day" or just because they are refreshing by doing the course again! It really works and these boards are an excellent source of support.

Blessings to you!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:28 am
by Guest
To PAXCAS--I am on CD 14 and I am so pleased with the results I have made.My health problems have all disapeared,but I continue because the lessons have been such a help to me.
--A suggestion--Use the RELAXTION CD frequently and also take 5 minutes during the day to use the esential parts of it.(from memory)--
I have listened to the Relaxation CT over 100 times,twice a day in the beginning.
Now during the day if I hit a "BUMP" I take five minutes to BREATH SLOWLY and RELAX my muscles--Then I am obver the "BUMP" and feel better.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:37 am
by Guest
Hello paxcas and everyone else who's posted.
I too am having a difficult time with the forums and postings because they seem scary and I get the "what if's" and the "does that mean I wont get better" type of thoughts.
I can tell you that it DOES get better. And we don't have to look at all the posting that scare us. I am having a hard time with this as well and it's just my 2nd day using them. We all want to hear what we WANT to hear and we get uncomfortable when we can relate to other peoples challenges. You are not alone in this, I can see how many of us really are dealing with so many similar feelings and thoughts.
Please stick with it and I will too. I can't tell you how hard it is for me to even write something positive right now cause I have fear screaming at me to.
I'm just going to do it anyways!