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Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 7:01 pm

Post by Mikki1968 » Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:20 pm

First I had to have a MRI on my back and they found a cyst on my spleen. I then had to have a sonogram. Besides the spleen a small cyst on my kidney and liver. Ok I had to have another MRI-now they said theres some thickening in my uterus. I have been so depressed,anxious and scarred. The good news all cysts are benign but I might have to see a surgeon about the one on my spleen. And even though my pap test came back normal my doc said maybe I want to have a sonogram on my uterus. But I'm scarred I'm afraid they'll find something else. I have been such a mess. Just wanted to vent my troubles,thanks.

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Post by BTTRFLY » Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:57 pm

Hi there--when it rains, it pours, huh? I just wanted to tell you that my sister just had an emergency splenectomy due to a splenic cyst. NOT telling you this to scare you, just to encourage you to follow up as the docs tell you. This has a happy ending.

My sister has known she had this cyst for a couple of years, it is just a crazy thinhg because they are normally the result of trauma, and she just woke up with it one day. Then they surgically remived it and told it her there was no way it would come back...and it did with a vengeance, and attached to her stomach and pancreas and diaphragm. She was told if ti came back they would take her spleen, but she ignored her symptoms until her spleen was bleeding and it was life threatening. That is my plea for you to follow up. I took my sister to the ER, and they admitted her and had her spleen out the next morning. TOTALLY benign thing, but it "sticks" to other organs and can make you miserable if not treated timely, like my sister. She is totally fine now, 4 weeks post op, but she sure wishes she had listened to the docs and followed her spleen more closely, it would have saved the emergent situation and the extent of surgery that she needed.

Again, I am NOT trying to scare you or suggest that your splenic cyst will act like this, they are totally benign growths but they can wreak havoc if you ignore them. Please let the docs do their scans to take care of things while they are still small and no big deal???

Hugs, Tara
"If nothing ever changed...there would be no Butterflies." Author unknown

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Post by bevhembree » Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:58 pm

Hi, I am so sorry for your trials right now. I have been facing a few. I don't know if you are religious, but my husband has been reading from the book of Job to me. It's pretty eye-opening to see what he went through but kept the faith and was restored.
Also, it helps me to research medical issues online so that I can understand what is going on, what to ask the doctors, and be more informed to take part in my plan for recovery.
Good luck and good health to you!
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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