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Scared to go to work!

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:42 pm
by angela123
My name is Angela and I'm 16 years old. I applied for a cashier position at Lowes Foods, never thinking that I would get the job. But now I have an interview the day after tomorrow! I should be happy but instead I'm SCARED!!! My previous job was such a horrible experience. I'm having a lot of anxiety going into the interview because I'm shy and it's my first time being interviewed for a job. I'm sort of excited to start my first day (assuming I get the job) I have 2 types of panic attacks: fear of throwing up, and fear of crying uncontrollably resulting in embarrassment (both panic attacks have completely different symptoms). My main concerns heading into the interview are: not being able to escape when I first feel the panic; not being able to understand the manager because of his heavy Arabic accent. Running out of an interview because I feel nauseous would be very traumatic. Running out of an interview because I start to cry would just be embarrassing.I don't know how to deal with the anxiety I'm feeling. Any advice on how to control my thoughts/symptoms? Any advice on making my interview a good one? Any advice on first day on the job jitters?

Re: Scared to go to work!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:41 am
by coachjanine
Hi Angela. You may want to brush up on some typical interview questions. Do a little bit of research about the company you would like to work for. This may give you some more confidence and it may impress your employer that you know about the company. Dress for success, breathe, and tell yourself the truth..... You are capable of getting this job and that you deserve it.

Coach Janine

Re: Scared to go to work!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:05 pm
by randy c.
Angela, how are you doing with the new job? hows your anxiety? hope all is well. :)

Re: Scared to go to work!

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:40 am
by deb123
Angela, I hope you're doing well too.

I posted this elsewhere and maybe it will help someone else, or you since you're still young and will have more interviews in the future.
I started telling my self "it's not anxiety, it's excitment!". For example, I would say to myself, "A new job, wow! that is exciting, I get to learn new things and meet new people!" Using the skills learned, like the positive self talk, helped a lot. Relaxing has helped me a lot. But when I stopped using the skills, I stopped getting better and taking chances like a job interview. This is why I'm doing the program over. Relearning the skills and working the program is helping.

Re: Scared to go to work!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:02 am
by sarahabel83
Once you get the job, then try to concentrate on your future. Try to mix-up with people, if there are any events, trips or celebrations in office then involve yourself in it. I read a nice post from a motivational keynote speaker on her blog
I hope it will help you to make your job-experience better.

Re: Scared to go to work!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 3:13 pm
by joe7137
Hi Angela,
I empathize with you about anxiety and work. I hope you got the job. Whatever may have happened, just know that there are certain techniques to take with you throughout future jobs and interviews.

1)I would definitely practice interview questions with a close and trusted friend, preferably someone who knows the types of questions they'll ask.

2)The day before the interview, get plenty of exercise so that you can sleep well. Do other sleep routines like meditation, a warm bath in magnesium salts, and even taking supplements if that helps. I usually take ashwaghanda btw.

3) On the day of the interview, Spend some more time meditating so that you can calm whatever nerves and anxious feelings you may be experiencing. I would definitely read Lucinda's cards or listen to the relaxation CD. Then practice your questions and answers to the interview questions. If need be, meditate one more time or do another calming activity like light exercise or taking a nice walk, reading a book--something to distract you.

4) When you're in the interview, practice breathing through your nose and holding it for four seconds and gently release through your mouth. This type of breathing, recommended by Dr. Weil, has always helped me in those nervous moments.

I hope this helps. God bless