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RE: I am New and need some answers

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:56 pm
by Juststand2
I posted this in another forum yesterday and did not get any replies. I recently bought the program and is in session 2. I decided to post it here and see if anyone responses.
I am relatively new to the program and I am suffering from OCD, the handwashing kind. It is wearing me out physically and mentally. I go from having good days to having bad days. I never know what is going to happen lately. I do not know what it is like to not feel anxious. I know my fear of being contiminated is irrational, but I cannot seem to get pass it. I cannot get anywhere on time. I pick certain places to go to that are clean and other places that I think might cause me cleaness anxiety I avoid. I live alone so it is easy for me to make excuses for doing this and to be fearful. I have done a lot of research on this disease in an effort to get better. I have never taken any meds. and being this out of control is new to me. I desperately want to get better and I believe that with the right direction I can. I have a counselor that I am seeing, but it is not helping. Talking about this every other week to him is not the answer, I need solutions. I do enough talking in my head to myself. I have thought about taking medicine, but I do not want to be hooked, I do not want to be stuck on something for life because I get crazy trying to go off of it, and I would like to try some natural herbal remedies if there are some. I have always been very clean and neat and I had my personal I cannot stand hygiene quirks such as people licking their fingers and touching me. It used to be wash my hands or use hand sanitizer and go on. However, somewhere along the way the problem got worse. I started washing everything off that I thought might be dirty and washing my hands every time I thought I might have touched something dirty. How do I stop the what ifs and conquer this fear? How do I stop being afraid of germs? Is five HTP good for OCD? Is the relaxation medicine that you all sale good for OCD? PLease respond

Re: RE: I am New and need some answers

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:19 pm
by meluv3
Hi! I am sorry you are suffering so bad with OCD! I really don't have any answers for you, but wanted to encourage you that you can overcome this, but it might take some time. I am trying to be patient myself as I struggle through my own issues. Keep with the program ... I just listened to lesson 8 on what if thinking today! I'm hoping someone else might have more helpful info for you. You might want to talk to a natural doc about the 5 htp. Oh, I do remember something I read about ocd - especially with handwashing. When you feel the urge to wash, don't rush right over and do it - wait a minute, then do it. Then the next time, wait 2 minutes. Then the next time, 3 minutes ... you get the idea!? You take baby steps and eventually it can subside. The trick is to not beat yourself up when you feel the urge and wash anyway ... you just comfort yourself and tell yourself - it's ok, you'll try again next time. Session 3 is really good with positive self talk!!! Wishing you all the best in your recovery!!!

Re: RE: I am New and need some answers

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:35 am
by Juststand2
Thanks Melluv for responding back to me. I will try the wait method you described and see if that helps. I just read soemthing about what if and it said turn them into positive what ifs. I think someone said it is in session 8. I will look in my guide book and see. I still want someone at the to tell me about 5HTP and any OCD help techniques they know. I read it is in their relaxation vitamin so thay should know something about it. I did research on it, but I want to know if someone has taken it and what if any side effects they had; and if it works.