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fear of death?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:33 pm
by lonzo
Hello All, I ordered the program 6 years ago, and just now unwrapped the box. Listening to intro and lesson 1, it feels good to know that I'm not alone. I have no idea why I waited to start, maybe pride. I went and got a checkup. The Dr. told me I should take seratonin inhibitors, it freaked me out. My sweet Mama tried to kill herself while on prozac, I told this to the Dr. he seemed unconcerned. I love valium and beer, but I know that it's a dead end, I need to get myself back together. I work hard and play hard and love life, it's when everything gets quiet I get scared. I can't stand being alone anymore, and just admitting that makes me depressed. I was wondering though, and I would like others opinions. I was raised in a strict southern babtist household, with all the good and bad things you would read about in a novel. Is it death that we are so afraid of or review of our lives after death.