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Overwhelmed with all of the things to do in the workbook

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:00 pm
by nevertoolate
I am getting ready to start session 5 but I have to admit I get overwhelmed and discouraged with everything that it says to do in the workbook. I listen to the sessions and the coaching sessions and go through the workbook but i get halfway through the lessons and have to put it down because I actually get disgusted. There is just so much to do. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle. I have a business to run and a normal life to live it seems to do this program and do everything it says to do would be a full time job so I feel like giving up. I haven't done the relaxation sessions in weeks. The audio sessions are so long that to even listen to them as many times as Lucinda suggest let alone everything else we are supposed to do - I just don't get how we are supposed to do it all. I feel like i am doing a really bad job at this. How do other people feel?

Re: Overwhelmed with all of the things to do in the workbook

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:48 pm
by THH
I felt like you when I first started the program. I think most people do. The good news is you own the program so you can do it when time allows. I have my own business as well, I did it during our slower months. You can do it at the pace you are comfortable. Try not to get discouraged, your trying. It just may take you longer. You can go through it again. I have been through it 3 times and get more out of it each time I go through it. You do not have to be perfect at doing each thing perfect before you move on. Release some of the pressure you maybe putting on yourself. You can do this!
Good luck to you and I hope you are feeling better... ;)

Re: Overwhelmed with all of the things to do in the workbook

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:43 am
by nevertoolate
Thank you so much for responding! I was beginning to think I was the only one who felt this way. Funny after I posted this I went back and worked through lesson four again and found that for the most part I was doing most of the lessons. I find I cannot listen to the audio more than twice - I simply do not have the wherewithall to listen to it more than that. And you are right maybe I will go through the program a few times. My panic attacks came about suddenly in April - I had never really experienced them before or only in very limited situations - public speaking, etc. but I had major panic attacks on a flight from Ireland to the US and it was terrifying and then I was so afraid of having them again that I would create them just like Lucinda talks about. After the first few weeks of the program I have been able to talk myself down when I feel them coming on so it has already been very effective - I think the program is fantastic - I just get overwhelmed with so much to do. I have only had to fly once since April though and I took Klonopin - flying is actually my big test - I will be flying in August back to New York from California and the thought still scares me. Not sure I can do it sans klonpin yet.

Re: Overwhelmed with all of the things to do in the workbook

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:00 am
by THH
Never to late,
Ohhh no you are not alone! If you read some of the postings from last year I think you will find many people were overwhelmed with all the stuff in our books, audio, video. There used to be alot more people posting on here. The Mid West center had some trouble with the web site for quite awhile. I think everyone went else where, some stop in from time to time. Read from the postings when you have time, that helped me. I still post from time to time.
I don't like to fly either. I don't do it very much so I can't offer much help on that. If you have a px and need to take it don't feel bad. I think for me, after doing the program I was able to not fear the panic attack. It has been awhile sense I have had a panic attack. I do still get general anxiety but have had a much better handle on it due to the program and others postings on here. It is a journey!
The program really helps, and for me posting has helped alot as well. ( Or journaling ) It is very surprising how many of the things in the book I did and no wonder I felt bad!

Keep with it, one step at a time... ;)

Re: Overwhelmed with all of the things to do in the workbook

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:39 am
by NinjaFrodo
I've been working with the program and posting on this site for 7 years and this has got to be the number 1 concern I've seen over the years. Its very very common.

You do what you can at the speed that you can. The action assignments are suggestions not shoulds and its not part of some magical formula that you have to follow 100% or else you come out with an undesired potion. Every thing you do helps you out, not you have to do everything to help yourself. Each effort gives you another piece and you continue to build on it and build on it. Its a process and you don't necessarily have to do each lesson in 1 week, you could do it 1.5 weeks if you need to. Whatever works for you and listen to the lesson cds as much as you can in one sitting and as many times as you can during the time you spend on the lesson. It might be more beneficial to listen to it 3 times but you still get alot out of listening to it 2 times. Take your time, pace yourself and if you get too overwhelmed then take a break and come back to it.


Re: Overwhelmed with all of the things to do in the workbook

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:43 am
by Quetz
I too was overwhelmed with all the things in the program. I feel it might be easier for people who are more anxious than depressed. Depression makes everything seem overwhelming and hopeless and its hard to get past it. I'll listen to the tapes several times because that's the easiest less active thing to do but often my mind wanders off to negative thoughts and the tape is over and I didn't hear it. When you're depressed its often difficult to payb attention to things and then there is also the self-sabotage thing for whatever rason. Its difficult jotting down negative thoughts in a notebook and it often just makes me more anxious and depressed to tell myself those things again. Lucinda says to ask if they're true, rational and realistic - well one problem is that when I analyze them they are all those things as I'm sure they are for many people. Where do you go from there?