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Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:47 pm
by Mark Hamilton
While listening to one of the audio sessions I noticed that lucinda said "you'll always experience anxiety but for me I can't remember the last time I experienced an anxiety attack."
Does this mean I will always feel general anxiety? I don't suffer from panic attacks just general anxiety and social anxiety so is there any hope I will recover?
Can someone define recovered for me? Thanks

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:32 pm
by Guest
I was anxious about everything!!! And coming close to anxiety attacks...heart palpatations, etc. I have finished the course and learned many many ways I sabotage myself by my "fearful thinking". Now I am able to stop that kind of thinking before it gets the best of me. That's what the course has taught me, how to handle anxiety so it doesn't take over my life. The more you do the course the more it starts making sense. When I started the course, I didn't have much patience with myself, wanting changes to happen RIGHT NOW!! So good luck and keep at it.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:26 am
by Guest
Mark, I also suffer from more of a general anxiety... I don't know that this will end all the panic you feel, but it will help you learn new ways which will help minimize how often you feel anxious and it will help you cope better when you do feel it, which will help it end a lot sooner also!!

I don't know the deffinition to "recovery", for me I will feel as though I'm recovered, when I am no longer the person I was before starting. I will be a new person w/a new outlook.

I don't know if that was the answers you were looking for... but that's my thoughts on it. :)

good luck to you

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:20 pm
by Guest
Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to reply guys it helped alot! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:33 am
by Guest
always happy to help, when/where I can... :) I do suggest to keep posting, personally I have found this to be a bit helpful. I think it helps to "get it out there" :)

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:27 pm
by Guest
hi tonight is my first time on the peer support site so forgive me if I sound a little naive. I just finished my first week and I just started my second. I always feel anxious like I'm going to have a heart attack, I think it's because when I had my first ever panic attack thats the way I felt, now I can't seem to shake that feeling. Has anyone else ever felt this way and if so can you give me a couple of suggestions as I'm moving along with this program? Thank you in advance if I dont respond right away my kids are usually on the computer more then I am.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:52 am
by Guest
Raul... I beleive you can't shake that feeling, because you are telling yourself not to. When you start having those feelings - I would recommend telling yourself - you are ok, it's just anxiety, it will pass, you are not going to die... etc... These types of things seem to be brought on mainly by our thoughts - so it's time to start changing the way we think... You will learn this in the program :) Hope that helped at least a little...