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Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:29 pm
by Nikki M
What is the connection between acid reflux and anxiety? And does anyone else experience this?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:37 pm
by Guest
Definitely. My husband has it and takes med. for acid reflux daily. Anxiety makes it worse. Men often don't want to admit to anxiety. He used to think it was a heart attack and ended up in ER quite often now when he gets bad I MAKE him take an anxiety pill and it goes away so I know its anxiety.

A week ago I ended up in ER because I felt such a pressing heavy feeling in the center of my chest, then pains going down both arms. I let this go thinking its probably anxiety. My husband was concerned because it went on a couple days. I had a friend come over who said, Barb, are you waiting to have a heart attack. So I have hubby take me to ER, they run all the heart tests and finally the doc says everythings OK I'm guessing it's acid reflux. They gave me the pill and nothing changed. They gave me xanax and I felt some better. The next day I took another xanax was sleepy and then it was gone. Tonite I was staring to get those symptoms but not bad so I took the xanax and I'm just sleepy now. Xanax definitely helps me and I see it help my husband too but have to really get after him at times.Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:02 pm
by Guest
chamomile tea helps me with my acid reflux and anxiety disorder. My doctors have told me they are very connected. The tea is relaxing, and they make it with Anis, which is good for the digestive system. Its natural and caffeine free.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:14 pm
by Guest
I found that drinking water more than an hour before meals and again, an hour after meals made a big difference in heartburn. The chamomile tea I usually drink in the evening, more than an hour after the meal - this regime does help

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:15 pm
by Guest
I used to take meds for acid reflux including protonix.

Changing my diet and loosing weight has all but taken away my acid reflux and need to take meds.

Anxiety and panic do cause symptons, but in this case at least for me, diet was everything.