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Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:08 am
by Joseph wiliams
I am on session 4 now.

I woke up this morning, feeling good, but then again, I felt really nervous, and I dont know why. I hate that. Its because I want to drive by myself, but Im scared of it......

I sat outside this morning, to try and meditate, but I seen people driving up and down the road, and made me feel depressed, because I want to do that....s

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:25 am
by Shaver
Every morning I wake up with bad anxiety. I am unable to get up and get going. Most days I get up and then lay down again. (I am up at 5:am)
if i lay down I fight with myself to get up and go workout. This week I went at 8am,7:30,6:30 and 7am. I did not go one day.
I feel good after the workout so I do not understand why I just can't have a daily routine. I do not know what the problem is.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:06 am
by Joseph wiliams
Well, I got a goodnights rest..and was in a good mood, till I started thinking about driving.....

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:58 am
by Belinda333
I wake up every morning anxiety ridden. I should say anytime I wake up, I have anxiety! My mind goes straight towards thinking, "Why can't I have a good day...I have to make this day good." I try positive thinking, but my negative side always win......What do I do?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:53 am
by Joseph wiliams
Well, to me, whenever I get through studying the program on a daily basis, i feel good. But if I go a day or two..without studying it.. i start feeling bad again...what does this mean..
Originally posted by Belinda333:
I wake up every morning anxiety ridden. I should say anytime I wake up, I have anxiety! My mind goes straight towards thinking, "Why can't I have a good day...I have to make this day good." I try positive thinking, but my negative side always win......What do I do?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:13 pm
by CarolM
just want to let you know. i have been waking up nervous every single day for the past 3 months. It's just now starting to get better. i think a lot of people have this... it will get better for you it just takes time. And part of it is not worrying about the fact you wake up nervous.
For Joseph... sounds like your fine until you think of driving. i have driving problems (can't do highway or busy traffic) anyway i keep telling myself what they say "it's not the car, it's not the traffic, it's my thoughts about it." Hopeful one day that will sink in for us both.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:43 pm
by delf
This is one of my big issues too. For as long as I can remember I wake up at any hour with such a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach like the whole world is going to end. Does anyone else get this feeling in their stomach? It's such a horrible feeling to wake up to all the time.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:17 pm
by drg
I've had the problem of waking up nervous and full of anxiety off and on for several years now. But, I'm doing much better lately. Two things help me with this. One is using the relaxation tape before I fall asleep and night. The second is to wake up in the morning and thank God for the new day, asking him to help me make it a good day for myself and the people around me. If I do these things, I either don't wake up nervous at all, or if I start out nervous I don't stay that way.

Hope this helps somebody out there. Take care.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:55 am
by Lisa43
Joseph, Look, I get this anticipatory anxiety even now and I'm on Week 10 of the program. Some days I'm surprised at how strong it is, but it happens about twice a week now instead of every day. And, with each week, it does get better.

Have you tried to drive recently? Remember, you are not going to get over this fear until you actually get out there and try it over and over and over and over and over. Hell, I'd be happy to talk you through it over a cell phone if need be! Let me know. I REALLY WANT YOU TO DO THIS! :cool:

Remember, it can be overcome but it is scary until you realize you can control it. Keep up with the program and let me know if I can help!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:21 am
by Deborah Evans
hello everyone. I relate in some way to each of you. I must confess I was on session 6 & got discouraged & stopped for awhile. So guess what I decided to start over again. I am starting on session 2. I would always wake-up each morning with knots in my stomach & a sense of worry. Worry about what not too sure, but it hung on me like glue. I have been praying for help & relieve from the knots in my stomach & the constant worry. I have noticed in the last few weeks I haven't woke-up with the knots in my stomach or such a constant worry when waking up. I thank the Lord for that. But my biggest & main issue is the driving. I hear you when you say it is not the car, it is us who scares ourselves. I am able to drive through town & city streets, but NOT the freeway. The cars zipping by & the vast feeling leaves me panicky. I start feeling the panic feelings just approaching the on ramp. Well all of the tools I am suppose to do, breath, self talk just go right out the window. Then I get so angry at myself for not being able to face the fears. I have tried driving a couple of times on the freeway & could hardly wait to get off. Now you would think the next time would get easier, but not really. It seems just as hard as the first time. Any ideas or help on what any of you have been trying???
It seems like its hard to find too many people on the site with the same thing about driving. I hear people say just do it & get out there, but any ideas on how to do that when you start having those panicky feelings before you even get on the darn thing??