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Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:51 am
by Kay Blanton
I am a new member and i was working on my homework, I came to the question of accomplishments in my life and i realized i havent accomplished anything, i dont know if i am so depressed that i cant see it or am i just that big of a failure. Did this happen to anyone else? would appreciate any feedback.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:07 am
by Guest
Kay, I completely understand how you are feeling right now. You see, I went through the program in March of '07. I thought the same as you. But my mistake was thinking of accomplishments in "big" terms. I was like, gee I never went to college, don't have a great degree, in fact, I am a stay at home mom so I even felt like I don't even have this great job! I think I let a few days pass and soon came to realize "hey, I was so afraid of having kids years ago and look, I did, and I am a great Mom!" And yes, I did learn a trade, I do have my cosmetology license. And this past October has been 10 YEARS since I quit smoking!! The most important accomplishment, not to sound corny, was getting the program and working it too. This is not easy, working through our anxiety and/or depression so if that's all you can think of right now, so be it. Your'e accomplishing something. Good Luck and remember to go easy on yourself.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:12 am
by *DarkGypsy*
Hi Kay,

The same thing happens to me when I'm really depressed I get into what I call tunnel vision of life.Lose all interest in everything and can't even see why I'm on earth.Also the negative thought of what have I done in the past or even now that means anything.It's really hard to see clearly anything good about yourself or anything.I'm sure there are many things you have done that are great,but while depressed I try to look at the small things that I've done or can do.Like the other day the toilet was leaking and I did a simple fix,that made me feel good,a simple thing can go a long way.Another thing that helps is to try to not figure out why you are depressed and as they say as well put your mind on other things.You may not feel that you accomplished a lot,but the brushing your teeth is an accomplishment.

Hope this helps


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:35 am
by Guest
please don't think like that. I thought that about my friends and family. Then I came out and asked them if I was being a burden. It was the hardest thing for me to ask, but I did and of course they said no. They wanted to help me as much as i needed them for their support. Please come into chat and talk with us. We can be part of your support team. I am on lesson 4 (did lesson 3 for two weeks). I am still struggling with lesson 3...a lot of people do. It is okay. We have been in the place where you are. You can get out. Remeber can get out


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:44 am
by sandy krahn
Thanks Missletoe,Ithink having someone to talk to would be great.Their is just so much going on in my life right now sometimes it gets the best of me.Somehow I have got to get stronger,I have to believe that God doesnt put more on us than we can handle.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:43 am
by Guest
Kay, like Missletoes said, please don't think this way. Those that love you would be devastated if you were no longer around. People loving you is an accomplishment in itself.
I don't have huge accomplishments in life, but then again what standards are we judging ourselves by when asked what we have accomplished? Do we all have to have a PhD or million dollar homes to have accomplished something in life? I don't think so. Think about what is important to you, not anyone else.
Getting up out of bed every day and being there for those that love us is an accomplishment and I'm sure there are a lot more you have if you think about it.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:02 am
by Guest
Sorry I didn't read the other posts - just yours so I might be redundant :)

When I got to this I remember feeling that way too. Part of our anxiety. But I did manage to come up with a couple. Mine were simple things like.

1. Getting out of bed.
2. Working out regularly.
3. Doing this program.
4. Graduated high school.
5. Quit smoking!

I think these all seem simple but they are all so huge :) If I didn't get out of bed then...none of this would of happened :) Take care of you and try to be gentle with yourself. Sometimes we are so hard on us that we don't even realize.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:49 am
by Guest
your comments got me to thinking and you know i realize that i do have a reason to be around,I have 2 great kids.a twin sister that loves me.I know exactly what has caused all of my depression and anxiety.Unfortunately I cant discuss it because i have no privacy,wish there was a way to have someone on here to talk to without anyone here at my home to read it. Any suggestions? Thanks

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:21 am
by cubfan
Kay, try the chat room. When you go in there, they'll be conversations going on. Just tell them you really need to talk and I'm sure they'll devote the conversation to listening to you and trying to help. Also, StressCenter has a phone number for personalized help. Or at the top of the page is a button for one-on-one coaching. You could also private message any of us. I'm sure all that responded to your initial message would gladly private message with you. Hope that helps, and congratulations on seeing the good in your life!! That's a huge step. Hugs from me. Bev

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:46 am
by Guest

you are a good person...and yes I agree that if you werent here would be devestating to your family and freinds. They might feel overwhelmed with your condition but not you!!!!!

Anxiety and Depression can be reversed...we can learn to break the bad habits we've become so good at.....and when you do it will be so wonderfull..

I can tell you one super great thing you accomplished in your life.
You are here! You are on the forum doing the program thats a huge accomplishment to see the problem admit to it and then go about getting yourself the help you need to recover.....CONGRATULATIONS!

Its a long road and we live in a world that wants instant results....but keep at will come. At first in small tiny little changes but then the big ones start to set in and it feels so great.

I use a code name no one would know who I am unless I told them.
so if you were concerned that family might snoop they wouldnt have a clue it was you.

hang in there Kay you have freinds here that will help you!