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"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:25 am

Post by Shalini » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:32 am

I'm suffering pretty bad here I have anxiety all throughout the day..I'm trying my best here. I've been on the program since the beginning of June. Please someone advise me and tell me if they got through this program without meds?


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:40 am

Yes, I did. I wouldn't take medications because I was afraid of them...however, I know that medications can be very helpful while recoverying. The best person to consult about medications is your doctor.

What in particular in the program are you struggling with...Are you doing only one lesson per week? Are you exercising every day? Are you listening to the relaxtion exercise 2 or 3 times a day? are you speaking with kindness and respect within yourself?

I found that stress and anxiety is cumulative--it takes some time to take it down. the people here are very helpful and supportive.

Best regards, Carolyn


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:51 am

No I haven't started exercising I'm starting today. Yes I do the relaxtion tape everyday. How long did it take you?


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:12 am

Hi Shalini: You're struggling but know you're in a good place here. I started in February and it's helped tremendously. My stress/anxiety was overwhelming. Now, I may have a moment or two of body symptons but I've learned what they are and how not to freak out about it. For me meds are not a scary subject but for others they are. If they can help get you to a place of calm where you can actually benefit from what you're trying so hard to accomplish in the Program - then I look at it as a good thing. The most important I think is that you make yourself a priority, you matter, and you're worth the work and effort it takes. Its hard no doubt, but you'll see - you're stronger than you know. Laura


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:25 am

Shalini - There is no time frame. Healing is different for everyone, but I do know if you start to "welcome" the feelings in instead if resisting them you will notice a big improvement. The six steps help you to do this. Practice allowing those feelings. Make it OK to be anxious. Adrenalin sensations are what you are experiencing and adrenalin is not dangerous. You are telling yourself that you are in danger but nothing could be further from the truth. Breathe into the sensations. I know it is scary but it gets less scary as you learn to allow. Be patient. Get a Shalini doll or a stuffed animal that represents you as a child. Soothe and nuture that little person all the way. "I can love you no matter what you are going through." That's what she needs to hear.

I'd like to add that there is no shame in taking meds while you are in the process of learning the program. You will know when it is time to come off of them. I was recently told that Lexapro is one of those drugs that you can come off of anytime and you can also take it when needed if you wish. It's not the boogie man that you are fearing. Meds are like a bandaide. That is all. They are meant to be temporary so don't let that hold you back from getting some relief until you can create your own relief through the tools you learn here.

Stay with the program. You will cure from this.


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:25 am

thank you so much for the wonderful response. i pray to god that I will soon enough be able to write in the triumph section and help others get through this.

proud mama
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2002 3:00 am

Post by proud mama » Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:05 pm

Shalini - I stopped any medication I was taking when I started the program at the end of January - beginning of February. Haven't taken anything since then, even for sleeping. I'm in the middle of the second time around on the program right now and still don't feel a need for any meds.


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:42 pm

That's good to hear about the medications especially from Mary who has been all the way through the program. I've pretty much dropped my depression medication, but still need one for sleep every night. It's interesting listening to the program and being able to relate so closely, so far (I'm on week 4). I can see it helping and hope to be able to ditch the sleep meds also.

I should probably do more with the program, but my plan is to follow it as much as I can and stick with the session a week, even though I may not feel I have mastered it. ( we overanalyze don't we).

It's good to hear from someone going through the program a second time. I can feel it helping me and building more confidence and less anxiety.


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:17 pm

Shalini - I have struggled with panic attacks for 10 years, most of the time they have been controlled for me by maintenance doses of the anti depressants Paxil or Zoloft. I have a t several times in the past years actually believed that I was "Cured" from the panic. I would often hear Lucinda's advertisement on the radio and think "maybe I should order that...but, I don't have that anymore." Anytime I felt really good and tried to go off the medication, several weeks would go by and the panic would come back in full force and often last all day for many days. I would avoid the things and places that I loved. My latest "episode" began about six weeks ago during an orientation for my daughter's kindergarten program. I started to feel more and more uncomfortable and eventually left the room and waited outside until the meeting was over. One thing led to another and I began avoiding everything and feeling really unattached to my life. My mom ordered me this program and I am mid-week of session 2.

For the first time since being diagnosed with Panic Disorder, I feel like I will be "cured" from this. Not because of the medication, but because of ME. Beacuse I am my safe person and I am in control. Yesterday I went out and I had the urge to leave the store, not because of the panic, but because of the fear of the panic and the physical symptoms. I began at the the first symptom with the 2-4 breathing and just repeated to myself" it's ok to be anxious. I've been through a lot and the past few weeks have been really difficult for me, so of course I'm anxious!" I continued by telling myself repeatedly that I am my safe person, I AM in control and I WILL overcome these feeling and be just fine. It wasn't a breeze, but let me tell you how great I felt on my way out to my car with my purchase in hand and I had faced my fear and I CONTROLLED IT!

My feeling is that medication can be very helpful in minimalizing the intensity of the physical symptoms. And eventually the fear will go away and you will feel normal again. But, after 10 years, I have learned that no matter how much medication I take, unless I learn to face my panic and learn to overcome it, I will never be "cured". I am so thankful that my mom ordered this program for me. I called her yesterday and cried and thanked her and said "I think This program will work for me." I know it will, because I am tired of being a victim of my own negative thoughts and I want to live my life and make up for all things I haven't done because of my panic. Lucinda has given me the tools, and trust me, I have been TERRIFIED by the panic attacks. If this can work for me, it can work for you. It's ok if you need meds...but you have to learn to control the thoughts and the fear for this to go away. So put your game face on and stand up for yourself and get back the life you want, and miss and really deserve! You WILL overcome this!



Post by Guest » Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:13 am

It's good to hear others saying that it's okay not to panic about not remembering everything in the cds that is discussed. I have tried to remember everything and that is just more stressful, so have decided to retain what I can from each session, make those the important aspects and if need be go back at the end of the program and redo.

On a side note, I really do like the relaxation cd. If I miss just one of the times I have set aside to do them I really feel it. They are so relaxing to me at times I will fall asleep. But when I wake up in the morning I seem to feel rejuvinated.

Well thats my spin on things.

Good Luck..

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