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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:56 am
I can't seem to help the things that I get into by trying to be helpful but can in up causing a big mess that my support has to fix and get very frustrated with me. Like using the vacuum and getting caught in some cord or something. I try to pick up everything before vacuuming but can in up catching something. Then, my husband is always there fixing my problems bc I may not have the strength to fix the problems. This really frustrates my husband who would like for my not to cause a mess or fix my own messes. The frequency of the problems is what wears my husband out and then as a low tolerance to me. I don't what to be such a problem. It has been a constant problem for me to be careful. At least now, I haven't been in car accidents for several years. I don't see how I can fix this problem. I lose the backings to my earings, too.


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:01 pm
by Guest
I am hoping someone could help me with my dilema if someone could.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:17 pm
by Guest
HA HA HA! That is ME! My husband has better things to do too, but what are you gonna do?

I see things this way. I am a full time student, do errands, grocery shop, cook, take care of our pets, laundry, do the church thing, take care of my friends mom...I am busy and tired too.

We are a team here...we work together. I get the drapes in the vaccuum, he replaces the belt that smoked. He is hungry, he gets a meal. He needs clean clothes, I do the works both ways.

And it is not like we intentionally do these things, they just happen. I have slowed down my vaccuuming as not to get the drapes or dog toys sucked into it. My earrings, I have this jewelry dish I put stuff in.

At times it is just organization so things are not everywhere. Other times, it is me just needing to slow down. If I am busy, my husband will vaccuum too...and HE has even sucked the curtains up! :p

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:39 pm
by Guest
It sounds like you are really hard on yourself. I know what you mean about feeling like your support is frustrated with you but what if your support isnt necessarily supporting you by fixing everything. Sometimes you just have to be a lot nicer to yourself before other people are. You deserve to be kind to yourself. And to tell you the truth a lot of mistakes or problems arent really as bad as you think they are. I realize if the vacuum cord gets broken it has to be fixed but you know what?:) I have lost every piece of jewelry I have ever owned and I am 46 years old. I even lost my wedding rings because I went skydiving and my hands were so cold that my fingers kind of shrank and my rings fell off. :) I was upset of course but it just couldnt be fixed. Those rings could have been anywhere since I was thousands of feet in the air when I dropped them. Yeah, my "support" was pretty ticked because of the money but I didn't care because jumping out of that airplane was the best day of my life and worth the loss. I found another wedding ring just like mine about a year later but it was a lot cheaper so I bought it and next time I get to jump out of a plane I'll remember to wear gloves:) My kids lose and break a lot of expensive stuff too because they are a lot like me but I finally realized, you can't go back and undo something and sometimes when you try too hard to be careful and not make mistakes you make more because you are so worried about it. When I finally stopped telling my son to be careful everytime he went to drive the car he stopped having accidents and tickets, then I realized how much my worries and anxiety carried over to my kids. Anyway I still do it sometimes but I am trying a lot harder to not worry about the little things anymore. It doesnt always work but I will keep trying to get better and this program is helping tremendously. A lot more than I thought it would. I hope it gets better for you. Sorry I talk too much. I just wanted you to know other people feel like you do and I wish someone close to me could support me by suggesting that I be as kind to myself as I try to be to my friends.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:25 am
by Guest

This is the best advice that I have been given. I know not to cry over spilt milk. I just want to be helpful and not costing us so much money. I will share this with my husband that we both need to relax. Which I usually apologize when I do something wrong and my husband usually forgives me. Thank you for your support and comments. You sound like an incredible person to go skydiving and learning from your mistakes. Skydiving is the one thing that I wouldn't venture doing.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:28 am
by Guest

I do agree that I need to slow down and think about what I am doing since I have to many thing to do that seem like I need to schedule time to breathe. lol Thank you for your comments and support.