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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:10 pm
by PuttyInGodsHand
How can I just forget? I was thinking of getting hypnotized but this won't help. I have been to numerous counselors, and have had all kinds of treatment methods done, and I still cry everynight about him. How do I move on?
This is killing me

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:30 pm
by melissa51
I am sorry your struggling with the loss still. You will never forget completely, though you may wish you could. It takes longer for some to morn than others, after all it is a loss. I am not a counselor so I can't tell you what to do, but I do know the pain of loss. I lost a woman ten years ago after a 17yr relationship and I still tear up sometimes at the thought of her. It's hard to move on when you loose the one you loved. There may always be a special place in your heart for him. You will learn to move on though, but when your ready to is when it will happen. My heart goes out to you! May god bring you peace.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:57 am
by Guest
BgDave is right, you can never completely forget but you can learn to move forward with your life and close the door behind you on your past.
I was divorced back in 1984 and I found several effective ways to deal with it:
1. I started a serious exercise program. Start slow at first but as you start getting into condition, keep increasing your workouts until you exhaust all excess energy. You will sleep better, trust me. :)
2. Go sign yourself up for some sort of adult ed classes or anything else you find interesting. Join clubs, groups or organizations that you have intrest in. Get out and start meeting new people and INCREASE your social life. This is very important!
3. Please stop blaming yourself for the divorce. You simply must to LET GO of it. Everytime you start thinking about it, slam a steel door and shut off that thought. Then move on to something you like. I know it takes practice, but keep after it.

One last thing, trying reading Dale Carnige's book "Stop Worring and Start Living". You will find your answer there.
Good luck and God Bless you.