Gotta quick question, please.

"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:07 am

I just started this March/April and do check the new user group but most posts are in the general section. Probably people stop visiting when they start feeling better. Also they may have been attached to the computer previously because of issues with doing other things. If I couldn't do this at work I wouldn't be on much. Between work, the program, excercise and I don't want to spend my limited free time on our PC.


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:11 am

I'm confused (among other things)! What is a monthly peer group? I joined in March and haven't heard anything about having your own peer group...did I miss something? I certainly enjoy's program and am progessing nicely - you really have to be ready to address your problems...and be positive. And that's not always easy when you read a lot of negative talk from others, maybe Shastalee couldn't handle hearing about problems of others when you have so many yourself. It is difficult, but it can be accomplished. Blessings, Judy ^j^


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:21 am

Wow Shastalee you really are very angry!I am glad that you are seeking the help you need in a form that will help you. I have done several different forms of therapy throughout my life and some have worked better than others. This program does have a return policy. I think that you are right we all need help from others at times as we learn to depend on ourselves. I hope that you get what you need. Please do let us know what about the program makes you so angry?


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:28 am

I also notice less people posting and I think it is people less active and hopefully some that are doing better and have less need to vent. I hope people will come on when good things happen too! I know many people are really dealing with terrible trauma and loss, and for some of us it puts things in to perspective to realize we all have crosses to bare-It does not diminish the fact that we have issues its just reminds us other do feel the same way.

Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:20 am

Post by familyman6-Nick » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:32 am

Hello...what IS a monthly peer group??
...Don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough problems...


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:15 am

The monthly peer group is the month you started the program. I think it's listed under peer support. There are months listed in which you started. So if you started in March there would be others who would be working thru the program at the same time you are.

I had great success with the program. If you are willing to honestly look at yourself, do the work involved, then the program works.

Every now and then, there is someone who writes into the forums with negative comments about the program. As readers of the forum, we have to sift thru what is personally helpful to us and what isn't. Some topics/comments apply; some don't. If you are wanting to improve, these skills are proven to work, not just proven by StressCenter, but by other stress relief/get your life in order people. Just read the Power of Positive Thinking by NOrman Vincent Peale. It's a classic but filled with story after story of people changing the way they think for the better. StressCenter has provided a great bunch of tools to put everything into action. If you are new to the program, I encourage you to keep with it, ignore the toxic negativity you will see sometimes and press forward.


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:19 am

I found it! Monthly peer group is under the heading "Community"/"New User Peer Support"/then find your month. It goes back to 2006.


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:39 pm

I'm not sure if this is the correct answer as I am very new as well, but at the top of the page there is a tab that says New User Peer Support and if you click on it, I believe you go to the month you started the program. Than can correspond with those that started at same time you did. Hopefully I have pointed you in the right direction.
Best of Luck..

Posts: 90
Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:31 pm

Post by Mimigirl » Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:21 pm

Ohhhh, now I see the "New User Peer Support" button at the top. Thanks for pointing it out! I remember just posting there last year when I joined in May. Then when I came back this year my May link seemed to be inactive. Must have closed it out. I guess I never knew where to go on this board to post so I just stayed in the new user group last year. Now that I've come back to it I didn't even realize it was still there. But I do like the fact that there are individual forums for each Session since everyone goes at their own pace.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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