in need of huge support

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Post by colleenf » Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:28 pm

I could really use some support and encouragment right now. I have been having a lot of pain in my stomach since before X-mas. I saw a GI and she ordered an endoscopy. Well not only is this health issue a hard one for me, Not knowing what is wrong for over a month now has been really hard too. I have done really well though using the skills I have learned. Well having the endoscopy is like my biggest fear ever. the meds scare me sooo bad. Well it was on Tuesday and I got there and all the way into the procedure room and I panicked really bad and the doctor cancelled it. I felt like they were giving me a lethal injection :) Anyway I have been so depressed since My confidence is at rock bottom again and although I had been getting out there and doing really well with my limitations I am scared again. I just found out last night I am going to have to do this again. They are going to give me adivan that morning which I am not thrilled about but will take it. I just want to not have this affect me everyday and night until then. Please any tips suggestions, prayers adice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks COlleen


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:14 am

you need to find a chiropractor skilled in Applied Kinesiology and have them diagnose and correct your ileocecal valve [ICV] and treat the emotional centers on your forehead.
They will find that the ICV will be open, your bowels are probably on the loose side.
your complaint is one of the most common causes of your symptoms and is almost always overlooked due to the lack of knowledge of the subject.
there are three reflex points for the ICV that need to be vigorously massaged, this returns the valve function to normal.
placing a cold pack over your right lower quadrant of the abdomen will help tone up the valve and even corrects the condition in some cases. cold pack it for 20 minutes two or three times a day.
the valve gets loose and allows reflux of toxins back into the small intestine from the cecum and causes all types of symptoms.
the reflex points are all on the right side of the body, 1. just below the ASIS, anterior superior ilaic spine. 2. in the intertubercular groove on the front of the humerus - turn your palm forward and dig into the tissue at the front of the humerus, you will find a sore spot at all these reflex points and that's where you rub the daylights out of them. it hurts.
then #3. is at the lamina of the third cervical vertbrae on the right side. you will find a very painful area on the right side of you neck, rub it vigorously.
rubbing these three points reestablishes lymph flow at the valve and things get normal and a lot of serious aches and pains go away.
God bless you and good luck.
I just ordered this course after falling into anxiety and depression over the loss of my wife of 43 years......I haven;t received it yet.

one of the most common causes of this problem is popcorn. seeds and nuts, especially roasted, will also aggravate it.
if nothing else,,,,cold pack your abdomen right over the area where the appendix is. The appendix is within an inch of the ICV and is frequently mistaken as the cause of complaints in that area.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:27 am


I have had this procedure done over 20 years ago.

When I had mine done, I remember they sprayed and anestectic and that felt weird, but I felt no real discomfort. It made my throat feel strange, but I didn't feel a thing. I did feel a bit nervous about the procedure, before and during, but all the worry was for nothing.

Unfortunately this procedure is necessary to determine appropriate medical procedures to follow.

I might suggest that you try the breathing exercises while you are in the waiting room waiting to be taken into the room for the procedure. I am sure this will help you relax.

I hope all goes well and that relaxation breathing will help you overcome your fear of the test procedure. I can not speak to the effectiveness of chiropractic procedures or their effectiveness.

You really need to find out the source of your problem and hope they rule out ulcer. If they find that you do not have an ulcer, and is more related to "acid reflux" or something along those lines; you might want to try a home remedy such as apple cider vinegar.

Sounds odd? Just remember that stomach acids help digest foods and a lot stomach problems are really because of a lack of acids to help with digestion.

Nevertheless, you are seeing a doctor specializing have confidence in your doctor, and follow his guidance, and ask him about the home remedy suggested.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:24 am

Hi Colleenf,

I have had an endoscopy! I've also had colonscopies. I was put out for both proceedures and so I don't remember anything at all.

If it makes you feel better, please know that these tests are so quick and once they are done, they will have a better idea of what is going on inside your body.

The scariest part is before the proceedure. It's more or less the fear of the unknown. We fear that our worst imaginations will come true.
Once these tests are over, you will feel so much better knowing.

I don't feel any anxiety anymore over these tests, and i have to get them done regularly because I have certain health issues which call for them. I have had them enough times to know they are not a big deal.

Ativan will help you relax beforehand.

It is more scary to not have these exams when there is something wrong...than to have the exam.

Hang in there!

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Post by MatthewM » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:51 am

Hello Colleen I am sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well since Christmas. Not feeling good can make anyone feel anxoius and scared.

It is difficult to go for medical tests the what ifs can really make your mind swirl. Speak to your Doctor see if they can give your something to relax. It is important to find out whats going on with you medically so that they can treat it.

This is definitely anxiety producing. Try and practice your breathing and self talk and stay in the present moment.

Take care and God Bless. I will say a prayer for you.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:45 am

thank you all so much for your kind words and support. The test is now next wed. and you are right I need to know what is going on because this is really wearing on me not knowing! I will get throught his I have to! Please keep me in your prayers!! God bless


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:01 am

Good luck, Colleen! I have not had this, but have had colonoscopies and agree that the prep and waiting is the worst part. Ativan will help a lot, and in my own experience I carry a lot of my anxiety in my stomach. You may well find out that this is the problem. If it is something else, you will know and can treat it. Let us know how it goes, everything will be great!!! Tara

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Post by Faith_TX » Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:10 am

Hey Colleen, I have had the endoscopy done twice now, and believe me, I am so scared of medical test. The ativan will definetly help so don't be scared of it. The spray to numb your throat does feel weird, but it's not too bad. Besides acid reflux, all I have is a nervous stomach, which is caused by all the anxiety I have. Hope your test turns out good. I will be praying for you
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
~~ Ronald Reagan

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