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Anyone on session 9 May 2012

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:36 am
by peony
Hi, I cant seem to find anyone posting here recently. The posts seem to be so old.

I am finding this one challenging. I seem to have constant worries all through my day. It has been interesting listing them all and problem solving them in only 20 minutes per day. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting them all.

Maybe I should review the session on positive self talk.

I have noticed I am a lot more active and getting more done in my life. Also feeling the fear but going ahead with stuff I have been avoiding. I guess I am worrying about if I am progressing good enough now that I am more than halfway through. Still kinda stressed.

Anyone else on this session now? How's it going? Hoping to hear from anybody on session 9

Re: Anyone on session 9 May 2012

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:26 pm
by LyndaLu
The CD says to pick a time during the day to WORRY, like at 9pm in the evening.
I don't think that this is something that I am going to be able to do.
I worry about everything in the evening and then I am unable to sleep.
Is it really possible to only worry for 15 minutes a day at 9pm and then have it all over with, just like that ?
I have not read the chapter yet, so I am sure there is QUITE a bit more to it than that.
I worked on the program in 2010/2011 and so my workbook is already all marked up with pen marks and
underlines and circles and comments and answers and writings from the last time, it looks quite the mess.

I don't have much activity in my life or exposure to people, so it is very hard to do some of the
suggested exercises, etc, in the program / workbook because I have no on to practice on !
Sad but true, the only person I have regular weekly contact with is my elderly mother.
I HAVE started going back to attending church services, but that is only once a week. I guess I can
start using what I have learned in the program so far while meeting people in the church.


Re: Anyone on session 9 May 2012

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:30 pm
by LyndaLu
Here is a quote I read recently:

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by

every experience in which you really stop to look

fear in the face.....You must do the thing you think

you cannot do."


Re: Anyone on session 9 May 2012

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:03 am
by peony
Hi Lynda,
Nice quote. I didnt think I could worry for only 15 min but sometimes I am done in 10. You take only 3 worries. You create 3 ACTIONS that you can do to address each worry. The actions are like your "to do" list the following day.

eg I am worried that my daughter is not handling her life very well and too stressed.
action 1) I'll give her a phone call to see how she is and encourage her
action 2) I will pray for her
action 3) I will remind myself that I cant really do anything about her decisions and her over stressed life

eg I am worried that I am not doing so good on the program and that I wont be able to complete the session 9 because I have so many old old guilts and grudges in the past
action 1) I will phone up an old friend that I "dropped" awhile back and invite her to dinner.
action 2) I will continue to work the program to the best of my abilities and trust that it works
action 3) I will forgive myself for doubting that I cant do it
What do you think?

You can do it. One worry at a time. One guilt at a time. Dont have to do everything at once. That's what I hope will work for me.

Re: Anyone on session 9 May 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:48 am
by LyndaLu
Well, it is July 13th and it is almost midnite.
I was starting to work on Session Nine in May
and I just quit. I have not listened to the CD
again or read the workbook. As a matter of
fact I quit listening to the relaxation CD
and I stopped journaling also. I had been
reading an inspirational / buddhist type
book and I could not get into it at all.

Now I must start again on Session Nine.
And I have many more Sessions to complete after
Session Nine. I don't want to give up now
because this is the second time I have
worked on the program. This is my
last and final chance to get through
all 15 Sessions with some success. It
is now or never ! Anyone else out there
stuck on the program and trying to get
back to it ? I would love to hear from
Stay Strong and Keep In Touch,
Lynda :)

Re: Anyone on session 9 May 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:46 pm
by mmwillie928
hi Lynda,
i havent been on this forum in forever, but past few days i have been dealing with major guilt and worry. so i started listening to session 9 again and reading in the workbook. it's funny how listening to the cd and reading workbook can actually be relaxing for me, but then when it comes to living life i feel stressed and scared. i started doing the program back in 2009 i think. i didn't complete it first time, but i went through it again and finally did all 15 weeks. it wasnt perfect, but i went through all of it. i tend to discount my completing it the second time cause i feel like i didnt do it perfectly or good enough, but now that im writing about it i see how that is my negative thinking and high expectations. so what if it wasnt the best or most thoroughly done. i did do, which means the desire was there and i gave it my best and that is good enough. see, lol, i just did neg to pos reversal and i didnt even realize i was thinking negative in the first place. maybe i need to come back on here more often. i can totally relate to your having a hard time completing the program. i have felt like i would really benefit going through it again, and i could definitely benefit by implementing the tools into my life regularly. but i havent, and i recognize, like you, it's not easy. i havent been carrying a notepad with me. once in a GREAT while i will write a neg thought down and reverse it. i havent been journaling but i do try and read books that inspire me in taking care of myself. even though i havent been as true to myself as i could be, i have gained some benefits from doing program..i just know i could do more. im sure, if you write or think about it, you have gained benefits as well. being up to week 9, you must have implemented some things in your life that have helped you out. but don't feel alone. i know how you are feeling in having a hard time. the program is simple, but that doesn't mean it is easy. one of the things i have been working on is trying to be more bold and speak my mind and be assertive. this is not easy for me. i have worked on it here and there, and i can see where i have grown from where i started. i still feel the anxiety, but i think i have learned to face it better. mind you, i don't always do it either. in fact alot of times i dont do when i would like to. but that doesn't discount what i have done. funny thing is, i was heading back from a trip on Sunday, and i was worried about a couple things i did on trip that i felt were things i shouldn't have done. while my mind was reeling i started to remember something from a few years back that i am really not proud of. and then that brought something else back to mind. and i have been worrying past couple days as to whether or not i should go apologize to people about these things or whether it is really necessary and i should just forgive myself and move on. there are other things involved, have you been doing anyway? i mean, i see it has been a while since you posted this post, so maybe you are doing better with this session? i hope to hear back from you.