cant stop worrying about a future event

Are you needlessly dragging around a one-ton bag of guilt and worry? Here are some techniques that help reduce guilt and worry in your life to produce dramatic, immediate changes.
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cant stop worrying about a future event

Post by noname_3244 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:15 pm

hi everyone i need alittle advice on my worry i,ve been very stressed out lately do to my son being ill for nine months now but he is getting better thank God! but that stress has made my worry sky high about anything. i have a court case coming up that involves my license. i took a chance driving to see my son at the hospital and got stopped when i shouldn't have been driving. any ways bad mistake but i wasnt thinking right. i told my lawyer why i did it and he will do the best he can. now i worry so much about that its making me sick i cant stop my mind for how the max penalty could be a big fine and they can possibly give you jail time. i try to except the mistake ive made and i do but my mind seems to think about it all the time. i think with being so stressed for so long because of my son my nerves are so sensitive and it hard to relax my mind. i'm always thinking the worst constantly and my lawyer said at least i have a good case considering what has happened to my son and might make a deal with the prosecuter before the actual trail. any advice on how to cope with extreme worry thats worked for them. thank you

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Re: cant stop worrying about a future event

Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:58 pm

How are you doing now?

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