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Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:11 pm
by Satu
Deleted by author.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:06 am
by Angie S
None of this seems to go in a straight line does it- even though we want it to. I've noticed sometimes for me I start thinking that I'm not really 'getting it all' but later I will see a shift in thinking that is subtle and gradual but none the less positive. Session 10 will help even more, so stay with it. Addressing these thoughts are not easy- but oh so worth it.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:00 am
by Charlie Brown
Hello Satu. I have struggled with obsessive scary thoughts as well. It's hard to tell what's real and what's just a thought that you need to "throw away". My husband calls them "kerflush" thoughts and that helps me sometimes. I will get a scary thought again and just think about flushing it down the toilet. My husband, who doesn't struggle with anxiety at all, told me how he thought about being a serial killer or doing something terrible and these are just things that come into your head sometimes.
The good news can improve. It has for me.
Don't let the setbacks get you down so much. Making progress is a wonderful feeling and it's normal to feel really discouraged when you take a step backwards, but that is all a part of the recovery.

Glad you are feeling better.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:11 pm
by Guest
"You hear it all the time: a new experience cannot occur until you clear a space. It sounds like a cliche, but it is logical and true. If a house is full of clutter, there is no room for a new piano. You must clear away a space. If you buy a new refrigerator, you must get rid of the old one. It's logical.

Everyone knows its true — but how often do we resist this lesson when it comes to the clutter in our mind?
"We keep hatred, grievances, jealousy and limitation — all the while trying to move in HUGE new ideas like love, joy and abundance.

"These things literally will not fit in your mind while it is cluttered with old ideas"...
-- Lisa Natoli

A cluttered mind really is a terrible space to waste. Maybe it's time to pack away a few old beliefs and ideas along with those negative reactions that harm you so you can get on with the business of developing a beautifully blessed life...

May you always be willing to toss out the old and embrace that which is pure and good and beautiful...

~ Kate Nowak ~

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:27 pm
by Guest
Hello Satu

You are very welcome, I found the letting go of my thoughts so very helpful. I had more of them than I thought until I really slowed down and watch my self. It can be very frightening. And I also like you found lesson 10 scary also. Most of mine hit home in lesson 9. One thing I found was my mother-in-laws death really bothered me, I finally wrote her a letter and told her goodbye, guess I really never let her go. I had felt that I let her down by not being in the room when she passed. I was sitting with her in the hospital. Long story short- I wrote her a letter and took it to our lake with a rose (she loved roses) and let the float away, as it floated I let the guilt I carried (no one else felt I had guilt) and told her goodbye. That helped me so much.

Anyway thought I would share a little.

Have a good day