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Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:20 am
by helenmelon
Hello everyone I have a really bad situation. My husband has this job and it pays terrible you would actually wonder how i get by at all and to top it all off he gets paid every two weeks. He tells me he is looking to get another job but he never does is likes this job for some reaso. They just drive around and nap. 90% of the time i done have a drink or food in my place I have to eat at my moms. I have a young 11 months son that my mom has to buy him food too. I am always fighting with him telling him he has to take care of his family. But no matter what way i say it yelling, nice, mad , understanding, he just will not get another job and take care of his family. Well I just found out last Friday i am having a another baby I was going crazy, and then to top it all off my car got repoed and we are being evicted and have to be out by Friday. My mom has no room really i mean i can always stay there. But we have no money for a security deposit. My anxiety is through the room. But i cant help but be so angery at my husband for this. It is either leave him or accept he just does not care. Please help with advice if you can

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:19 am
by Guest
Dear Helenmelon,
I am sorry you are going through such a difficult time. As far as your husband, it would bother me too if he showed so little concern about rent, food, etc. especially for you since you are pregnant and the child you you already have. Is it possible for you to move with your child to your mom's for a while? You can do bad by youself so why take your husband along to make the situation worse? I doubt you want to even think about leaving him but maybe it will shake him up and motivate him to take care of his family. You have to think of yourself and your baby and the fact that this situation is raising your anxiety level. I pray that things will turn around for you but remember, you don't deserve to be treated this way and you ust take care of yourself. God bless you and keep your chin up. Nothing bad lasts forever.